NN in Cog. & Neural Sciences: Jackson Hole, WY, 1/16/92

Mark Gluck gluck at pavlov.Rutgers.EDU
Mon Dec 2 08:18:43 EST 1991

                       NEURAL NETWORK MODELS
                at 17th Annual Interdisciplinary Conf.
                       Jackson Hole, Wyoming

                        Symposium Chair:

                         Mark A. Gluck 
          (Neuroscience, Rutgers; gluck at pavlov.rutgers.edu)

                  Thursday, January 16th, 4-8pm

The talks will focus on theories of neural computation and
their application to diverse topics in the cognitive  and  neural
sciences.  These presentations will be general tutorial overviews
of each subspeciality. They are intended to enable members of the
interdisciplinary audience to keep abreast of the latest 
developments in the field.  Talks will be 23 minutes  in  length  --  
no more  than  half  of which should be devoted to the speaker's own
research. Time will be strictly limited. An additional 7  minutes
will be alloted afterwards for discussion and questions.

                        Speakers & Topics 

Larry Maloney, (Cognitive & Neural Science, NYU):
         NN & Vision
Richard Granger (Neurobio. of Learning & Mem, Irvine):
         NN & Cortical Processing
Stephen Hanson (Siemens Research):
         NN & Event Perception
Mark Gluck (Neuroscience, Rutgers):
         NN & Human Learning
Lee Giles (NEC Corp.):
         NN & Temporal Sequences
David Servan-Schreiber (W. Psychiatric Inst. & CMU):
         NN & Psychiatric Disorders

This one day symposium is part of the 17th Annual
Interdisciplinary Conference. The full conference 
runs from January 12 - January 16, 1992 at Teton Village,
Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The meeting is an attempt to
facilitate the interchange of ideas among researchers in a
variety of disciplines relating to cognitive, neuro, and
computer science.  For further information on the conference,

Interdisciplinary Conference
  Attn: Dr. George Sperling
Psychology & Neural Sciences, NYU
6 Washington Place, Rm. 980
NYC, NY  10003
   Email: gs at cns.nyu.edu

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