population coding

Jaewoong Lee JWLEE%KRYSUCC1.BITNET at vma.cc.cmu.edu
Sat Dec 7 11:40:00 EST 1991

Dear Connectionists,

I am a graduate student starting a work on connectionist model for
population coding. What I am trying to do is to build up *biologically
plausible* model that can explain population coding mechanism in
superior colliculus. What I have read are [C. Lee et al. "Population coding
of saccadic eye movement by neurons in the superior colliculus", Nature Vol.
332] and some others.

Any other references or any comments?

Your help will be greatly appreciated and I will summarize the replies for
other researchers. Thank you.

                                     Jaewoong Lee,
                                     AI Lab. CS. Dept.
                                     Yonsei University, Seoul, KOREA

                                    e-mail: JWLEE at KRYSUCC1.BITNET

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