Translation Invariance etc..

David Lovell dlovell at
Thu Aug 29 17:45:58 EDT 1991

Dear Connectionists,

For those of you who have been holding your breath wondering who published the
paper that claims the human visual system is not as translationally invariant
as one would think, all the way from the keyboard of Shimon Edelman, I am
proud to present....

author="T. Nazir and J. K. {O'Regan}",
title="Some results on translation invariance in the human visual system",
journal="Spatial vision",

Many thanks to Shimon and also Irv Biederman who mailed me a few pointers to
this paper. There is the promise of more information on translational
invariance from a few different sources so if new news comes to hand, I'll post
that too.

Happy Connectioning(?)

David Lovell - dlovell at  |
Dept. Electrical Engineering             | "Oh bother! The pudding is ruined
University of Queensland                 | completely now!" said Marjory, as
BRISBANE 4072                            | Henry the daschund leapt up and
Australia                                | into the lemon surprise.

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