Cultured Neural Nets?

Guido Bugmann gbugmann at
Wed Aug 21 15:12:49 EDT 1991

Neuron cultures on substrates prepared by nanofabrication techniques
(grooves and microcontacts) have been realized by the group of the 
professors C.D.W. Wilkinson and Adam Curtis at the University of
Glasgow. I dont have references on their most recent work.
Older references are:

P. Clark, P. Connolly, A.S.G. Curtis, J.A.T. Dow & C.D.W. Wilkinson
Res. Developmental Biology, 99 (1987) 439-448

J.A.T. Dow, P. Clark, P. Connolly, A.S.G. Curtis & C.D.W. Wilkinson
J. Cell. Sci. Suppl., 8 (1987) 55-79

Guido Bugmann
NEC Fund. Res. Lab.
34 Miyukigaoka
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305

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