ACNN'92 Final Call
Barry Flower
barryf at
Wed Aug 7 21:47:23 EDT 1991
(Deadline for Submissions is August 30, 1991)
Third Australian Conference On Neural Networks
3rd - 5th February 1992
The Australian National University,
Canberra, Australia
The third Australian conference on neural networks will be held in
Canberra on February 3rd-5th 1992, at the Australian National University.
This conference is interdisciplinary, with emphasis on cross
discipline communication between Neuroscientists, Engineers, Computer
Scientists, Mathematicians and Psychologists concerned with understanding
the integrative nature of the nervous system and its implementation in
hardware/software. The categories for presentation and submissions
1 - Neuroscience: Integrative function of neural networks in vision,
audition, motor, somatosensory and autonomic functions; Synaptic
function; Cellular information processing;
2 - Theory: Learning; generalisation; complexity; scaling; stability;
3 - Implementation: Hardware implementation of neural nets; Analog and
digital VLSI implementation; Optical implementations;
4 - Architectures and Learning Algorithms: New architectures and
learning algorithms; hierarchy; modularity; learning pattern
sequences; Information integration;
5 - Cognitive Science and AI: Computational models of cognition and
perception; Reasoning; Concept formation; Language acquisition;
Neural net implementation of expert systems;
6 - Applications: Application of neural nets to signal processing and
analysis; Pattern recognition: Speech, machine vision; Motor
control; Robotic;
ACNN'92 will feature an invited keynote speaker. The program will
include, presentations and poster sessions. Proceedings will be printed
and distributed to the attendees. There will be no parallel sessions.
Invited Keynote Speaker
Professor Terrence Sejnowski, The Salk Institute and University of
California at San Diego.
Call for Papers
Original research contributions are solicited and will be internationally
refereed. Authors must submit the following by August 30, 1991:
* Five copies of a four page (maximum) manuscript
* Five copies of a 100 word (maximum) abstract
* Covering letter indicating submission title and
correspondence addresses for authors.
Each manuscript and abstract should clearly indicate submission category
(from the six listed) and author preference for oral or poster
Note that names or addresses of the authors should be omitted from the
manuscript and the abstract and should be included only on the covering
letter. Authors will be notified by November 1, 1991 whether their
submissions are accepted or not, and are expected to prepare a revised
manuscript (up to four pages) by December 13, 1991.
Submissions should be mailed to: Mrs Agatha Shotam
Secretariat ACNN'92
Sydney University
Electrical Engineering
NSW 2006 Australia
Registration material may be obtained by writing to Mrs Agatha Shotam at
the address above or by:
Tel: (+61-2) 692 4214
Fax: (+61-2) 660 1228
Email: acnn92 at
Deadline for Submissions is August 30, 1991
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
Principal Sponsors
* Australian Telecommunications & Electronics Research Board
* Telectronics Pacing Systems
ACNN'92 Organising Committee
Organising Committee:
Chairman: Marwan Jabri, (SU)
Technical Program Chairman: Bill Levick, (ANU)
& Ah Chung Tsoi, (QU)
Stream Chairs:
Neuroscience: Max Bennent (SU)
Theory: Ah Chung Tsoi (QU)
Cognitive SCience & AI: Max Coltheart (MU)
Implementations: Marwan Jabri/Steve Pickard (SU)
Applications: Yianni Attikiouzel (WA)
Local Arrangements Chair: M Srinivasan (ANU)
Institutions Liason Chair: N Nandagopal (DSTO)
Sponsorship Chair: Steve Pickard (SU)
Publicity Chair: Barry Flower (SU)
Publications Chair: Philip Leong (SU)
Secretariat/Treasurer: Agatha Shotam (SU)
The registration fee to attend ACNN'92 is:
Full Time Students $A75
Academics $A200
Other $A300
A discount of 20% applies for advance registration. Registration forms
must be posted before December 13th, 1991, to be entitled to the discount.
To be eligible for the Full Time Student rate a letter from the Head of
Department as verification of enrolment is required.
To assist attendees in obtaining accommodation, a list of hotels and
colleges close to the conference venue is shown below.
Lakeside Hotel Olims Canberra Hotel
London Circuit Cnr. Ainslie & Limestone Ave
Canberra City ACT 2600 Braddon ACT 2601
Tel: +61(6) 247 6244 Tel: +61(6) 248 5511
Fax: +61(6) 257 3071 Tel: +61(6) 247 0864
Macquarie Private Hotel Capital Hotel
18 National Circuit 108 Northbourne Ave
Barton ACT 2600 Canberra City ACT 2600
Tel: +61(6) 273 2325 Tel: +61(6) 248 6566
Fax: +61(6) 273 4241 Tel: +61(6) 248 8011
Brassey Hotel Canberra Rex Hotel
Belmore Gardens Northbourne Ave
Barton ACT 2600 Canberra City ACT 2600
Tel: +61(6) 273 3766 Tel: +61(6) 248 5311
Fax: +61(6) 273 2791 Tel: +61(6) 248 8357
Accommodation on Australian National University Campus
University House Burton & Garran Hall
Tel: +61(6) 249 5211 Tel: +61(6) 249 3083
Fax: +61(6) 249 5252 Fax: +61(6) 249 3136
Important Conference Dates
30th August 1991 Deadline for Submissions
1st Novemeber 1991 Notification of Acceptance
13th December 1991 Deadline for Camera ready paper
13th December 1991 Deadline for advance registration with discount
3rd-5th February 1992 Conference
Registration Form
I wish to attend the conference ______
I wish to be on your mailing list ______
My research interests are:
Neuroscience _____ Modelling _____
Implementation _____ Other: ___________________________________
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Title: ______________________________________________________________________
Organisation: _______________________________________________________________
Occupation: _________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________ City: _____________________________
State: ________________ Post Code: ____________ Country: ____________________
Tel: ____________________________________ Fax: ______________________________
E-Mail: _____________________________________________________________________
Find enclosed a cheque for the sum of ($A): ____________
(Deduct 20% of original registration cost if posted before December 13th, 1991)
Please charge my credit card for the sum of (A$): ____________
(Deduct 20% of original registration cost if posted before December 13th, 1991)
Mastercard/Visa Number: ______________________ Expiry Date: ________________
Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________
To register, please fill in this form and return it together with payment:
Secretariat ACNN'92
University of Sydney
Electrical Engineering
Sydney NSW 2006
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