Neural Nets in Information Retrieval References

Sun Aug 4 14:59:00 EDT 1991

Dear Connectionists,
Hereby the compiled list of received reactions on work done in Information
Retrieval and Connectionist or Neural Systems. Please keep me informed
of any new work in this field.
Jan Scholtes
University of Amsterdam
Faculty of Arts
Department of Computational Linguistics
scholtes at
References Neural Nets in Information Retrieval
[Allen, 1991]: Allen, R.B. (1991). Knowledge Representation and Information
Retrieval with Simple Recurrent Networks.. Work. Notes of the AAAI SSS on
Connectionist Natural Language Processing. March 26th-28th 1991, Palo Alto, CA.,
pp. 1-6.
[Belew et al., 1988]: Belew, R.K. and Holland, M.P. (1988). A Computer System
Designed to Support the Near-Library User of Information Retrieval.
Microcomputers for Information Management, Vol. 5, No. 3, December 1988, pp.
[Belew, 1986]: Belew, R.K. (1986). Adaptive Information Retrieval: Machine
Learning in Associative Networks. Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. Michigan, CS
Department, Ann Harbor, MI.
[Belew, 1987]: Belew, R.K. (1987). A Connectionist Approach to Conceptual
Information Retrieval. Proc. of the First Intl. conf. on AI and Law, pp.
116-126. ACM Press.
[Belew, 1989]: Belew, R.K. (1989). Adaptive Information Retrieval: Using a
Connectionist Representation to Retrieve and Learn About Documents. Proc.
SIGIR-89, June 11th-20th, 1989. Cambridge, MA.
[Brachman et al., 1988]: Brachman, R.J. and McGuinness, D.L. (1988). Knowledge
Representation, Connecitonism, and Conceptual Retrieval. SIGIR-88,
[Doszkocs et al., 1990]: Doszkocs, T.E., Reggia, J. and Lin, X. (1990).
Connectionist Models and Information Retrieval. Ann. Review of Information
Science and Technology, Vol. 25, pp. 209-260.
[Eichmann et al., 1991]: Eichmann, D.A. and Srinivas, K. (1991). Neural
Network-Based Retrieval from Reuse Repositories. CHI '91 Workshop on Pattern
Recognition and Neural Networks in Human-Computer Interaction, April 28th, 1991.
New Orleans, LA.
[Eichmann et al., 1992]: Eichmann, D.A. and Srinivas, K. (1992). Neural
Network-Based Retrieval from Reuse Repositories. In: Neural Networks and Pattern
Recognition in Human Computer Interaction (R. Beale and J. Findlay, Eds.), Ellis
Horwood Ltd, WS, UK.
[Gersho et al., 1990]: Gersho, M. and Reiter, R. (1990). Information Retrieval
using a Hybrid Multi-Layer Neural Network. Proceedings of the IJCNN, San Diego,
June 17-21, 1990, Vol. 2, pp. 111-117.
[Honkela et al., 1991]: Honkela, T. and Vepsalainen, A.M. (1991). Interpreting
Imprecise Expressions: Experiments with Kohonen's Self-Organizing Maps and
Associative Memory. Proc. of the ICANN '91, June 24th-28th, Helsinki, Vol. 1,
pp. 897-902.
[Jagota, 1990]: Jagota, A. (1990). Applying a Hopfield-style Network to Degraded
Printed Text Restoration. Proc. of the 3rd Conference on Neural Networks and
PDP, Indiana-Purdue University.
[Jagota, 1990]: Jagota, A. (1990). Applying a Hopfield-Style Network to Degraded
Text Recognition. Proc. of the IJCNN 1990,
[Jagota, 1991]: Jagota, A. (1991). Novelty Detection on a Very Large Number of
Memories in a Hopfield-style Network. Proc. of the IJCNN, July 8th-12th, 1991.
Seattle, WA,
[Jagota, et al., 1990]: Jagota, A. and Hung, Y.-S. (1990). A Neural Lexicon in a
Hopfield-style Network. Proceedings of the IJCNN, Washington, 1990, Vol. 2, pp.
[Mitzman et al., 1990]: Mitzman, D. and Giovannini, R. (1990). ActivityNets: A
Neural Classifier of Natural Language Descriptions of Economic Activities. Proc.
of the Int. Workshop on Neural Nets for Statistical and Economic Data, Dublin,
December 10-11,
[Mozer, 1984]: Mozer, M.C. (1984). Inductive Information Retrieval Using
Parallel Distributed Computation. ICS Technical Report 8406, La Jolla, UCSD.
[Rose et al., 1989]: Rose, D.E. and Belew, R.K. (1989). A Case for
Symbolic/Sub-Symbolic Hybrids. Proc. of the Cogn. Science Society, pp. 844-851.
[Rose et al., 1991]: Rose, D.E. and Belew, R.K. (1991). A Connectionist and
Symbolic Hybrid for Improving Legal Research. Int. Journal of Man-Machine
Studies, July 1991,
[Rose, 1990]: Rose, D.E. (1990). Appropriate Uses of Hybrid Systems. In:
Connectionist Models: Proc. of the 1990 Summer School, pp. 277-286].
Morgan-Kaufman Publishers.
[Rose, 1991]: Rose, D.E. (1991). A Symbolic and Connectionist Approach to Legal
Information Retrieval. Ph.D. Dissertation, UCSD, La Jolla, CA.
[Scholtes, 1991]: Scholtes, J.C. (1991). Filtering the Pravda with a
Self-Organizing Neural Net. Submitted to the Bellcore Workshop on High
Performance Information Filtering, November 5th-7th 1991, Chester, NJ.
[Scholtes, 1991]: Scholtes, J.C. (1991). Neural Nets and Their Relevance in
Information Retrieval. TR Dep. of Computation Linguistics, August 1991.
University of Amsterdam.
[Scholtes, 1991]: Scholtes, J.C. (1991). Neural Nets versus Statistics in
Information Retrieval. Submitted to NIPS*91, December 2nd-5th 1991, Boulder,
[Scholtes, 1991]: Scholtes, J.C. (1991). Unsupervised Learning and the
Information Retrieval Problem. Submitted to IJCNN November 18th-22nd 1991,
[Scholtes, 1992]: Scholtes, J.C. (1992). Filtering the Pravda with a
Self-Organizing Neural Net. Submitted to the Symposium on Document Analysis and
Information Retrieval. March 16th-18th 1992, Las Vegas, NV.
[Wermter, 1991]: Wermter, S. (1991). Learning to Classify Neural Language Titles
in a Recurrent Connectionist Model. Proc. of the ICANN '91, June 24th-28th,
Helsinki, Vol. 2, pp. 1715-1718.

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