Neural Nets Workshop (IWANN 91)
Ignacio Bellido Montes
ibm at
Mon Apr 8 07:08:01 EDT 1991
There will be a Neural Nets Workshop Granada (Spain) next September. I think
this is the first international workshop of this kind that will be held in
Spain, I hope all of you can send contributions and participate.
Here I send you the electronic version of the CFP followed by the LaTeX
version. If you have any question about the workshop, please ask me or the
people of the workshop secretary. I'm not on the organization but I can help
finding people etc...
About Granada, I can tell you this is one of the most wonderful cities in the
Spain and ... in the World. It has one of the most famous and wonder arab
contributions to the culture, "La Alhambra", and small and quiet lanes on the
old side of the city, the "Albaicin", that transmit the visitor a very good
I hope you be able to participate and enjoy... See you in Granada.
Gregorio Fernandez
Dpt. Ingenieria de Sistemas Telematicos
ETSI Telecomunicacion- UPM
Ciudad Universitaria
28040 Madrid, Spain
E-mail: gfernandez at
First Announcement and Call for Papers
Granada, Spain
September 17-19, 1991
Spanish Chapter of the Computer Society of the IEEE,
AEIA (IEEE Affiliate Society), and
Department of Electronic and Computer Technology.
University of Granada. Spain.
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) were first developed as structural or
functional modelling systems of natural ones, featuring the ability to perform
problem-solving tasks. They can be thought as computing arrays consisting of
series of repetitive uniform processors (neuron-like elements) placed on a
grid. Learning is achieved by changing the interconnections between these
processing elements. Hence, these systems are also called connectionist
ANN has become a subject of wide-spread interest: they offer an odd
scheme-based programming standpoint and exhibit higher computing speeds than
conventional von-Neumann architectures, thus easing or even enabling handling
complex task such as artificial vision, speech recognition, information
recovery in noisy environments or general pattern recognition.
In ANN systems, collective information management is achieved by means of
parallel operation of neuron-like elements, into which information processing
is distributed. It is intended to exploit this highly parallel processing
capability as far as possible in complex problem-solving tasks.
Cross-fertilization between the domains of artificial and real neural nets
is desirable. The more genuine problems of biological computation and
information processing in the nervous system still remain open and
contributions in this line are more than welcome. Methodology, theoretical
frames, structural and organizational principles in neuroscience,
self-organizing and co- operative processes and knowledge based descriptions
of neural tissue are relevant topics to bridge the gap between the artificial
and natural perspectives.
The workshop intends to serve as a meeting place for engineers and
scientists working in this area, so that present contacts and relationships
can be further increased. The workshop will comprise two complementary
. scientific and technical conferences, and
. scientific communications sessions.
The workshop is open to all aspects of artificial neural networks, including:
1. Neural network theories. Neural models.
2. Biological perspectives
3. Neural network architectures and algorithms.
4. Software developments and tools.
5. Hardware implementations
6. Applications.
Facultad de Ciencias
Campus Universitario de Fuentenueva
Universidad de Granada
English and Spanish will be the official working languages. English is
preferable as the working language.
The Programme Committee seeks original papers on the six above mentioned
areas. Survey papers on the various available approaches or particular
application domains are also sought.
In their submitted papers, authors should pay particular attention to
explaining the theoretical and technical choices involved, to make clear the
limitations encountered and to describe the current state of development of
their work.
Three copies of submitted papers (not exceeding 8 pages in 21x29.7 cms
(DIN-A4), with 1,6 cm. left, right, top and bottom margins) should be received
by the Programme Chairman at the address below before June 20, 1991.
The headlines should be centered and include:
. the title of paper in capitals
. the name(s) of author(s)
. the address(es) of author(s), and
. a 10 line abstract.
Three blank lines should be left between each of the above items, and four
between the headlines and the body of the paper, written in English,
single-spaced and not exceeding the 8 pages limit.
All papers received will be refereed by the Programme Committee. The
Committee will communicate their decision to the authors on July 10. Accepted
papers will be published in the proceedings to be distributed to workshop
In addition to the paper, one sheet should be attached including the
following information:
. the title of the paper,
. the name(s) of author(s),
. a list of five keywords,
. a reference to which of the six topics the paper concerns,
. postal address of one of the authors, with phone and fax
numbers, and E-mail (if available).
We intend to get in touch with various international publishers (such as
Springer-Verlag and Prentice-Hall) for the final version of the proceedings.
Contributions to be sent to:
Prof. Jose Mira
Dpto. Informatica y Automatica
C/Senda del Rey s/n
28040 MADRID (Spain)
Tel. (34) 1 5 44 60 00
Fax: (34) 1 5 44 67 37
A list of available Hotels will be sent on registration. Hotel reservations
can be made directly by each participant with the local agency below. All
request should be addressed to:
Viajes Internacional Expreso (VIE)
Galerias Preciados
Carrera del Genil, s/n
18005 GRANADA (Spain)
Tel. (34) 58-22.44.95, -22.75.86, -224944
Telex: 78525
We can only guarantee to accept reservation received by July 25.
. Regular fee: 35.000 ptas.
. IEEE, AEIA and ATI members fee: 30.000 ptas.
. Scholarship holders fee: 5.000 ptas.
Inscription payments:
Transfer to: IWANN'91
account number: 16.142.512
Caja Postal (Code: 2088-2037.1)
Camino de Ronda, 138
or alternatively, cheque made out to:
IWANN'91 (16.142.512)
Secretariat address:
Departamento de Electronica y Tecnologia de Computadores
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de Granada
FAX: 34-58-24.32.30 or 34-58-27.42.58
Phone: 34-58-24.32.26
E-Mail: jmerelo at aprieto at
Senen Barro Univ. de Santiago
Joan Cabestany Univ. Pltca. de Catalunya
Jose Antonio Corrales Univ. Oviedo.
Gregorio Fernandez Univ. Pltca. de Madrid
J. Simoes da Fonseca Univ. de Lisboa
Antonio Lloris Univ. Granada
Javier Lopez Aligue Univ. de Extremadura.
Jose Mira (Programme Chairman) UNED. Madrid
Roberto Moreno Univ Las Palmas Gran Canaria
Alberto Prieto (Organization Chairman) Univ. Granada
Francisco Sandoval Univ. de Malaga
Carmen Torras Instituto de Cibernetica. CSIC. Barcelona
Elena Valderrama CNM- Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona
Juan Julian Merelo
Julio Ortega
Francisco J. Pelayo
Begona del Pino
Alberto Prieto
(To be completed and returned as soon as possible to:
Departamento de Electronica. Facultad de Ciencias. Univ. de Granada.
18071 GRANADA (SPAIN). FAX (34)-58-24.32.30)
Block letters, please
E-mail: Phone: Fax:
Please tick as appropriate:
I intend to:
attend to the workshop
submit a paper
Name(s) of Author(s):
Provisional Title:
{\Large \bf
First Announcement and Call for Papers\\
Granada, Spain\\
September 17-19, 1991\\
Spanish Chapter of the Computer Society of the IEEE,\\
AEIA (IEEE Affiliate Society), and\\
Department of Electronic and Computer Technology\\
(University of Granada, Spain)}
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) were first developed as
structural or functional modelling systems of natural ones,
featuring the ability to perform problem-solving tasks. They can
be thought as computing arrays consisting of series of repetitive
uniform processors (neuron-like elements) placed on a grid.
Learning is achieved by changing the interconnections between
these processing elements. Hence, these systems are also called
connectionist models.
ANN has become a subject of wide-spread interest: they offer
an odd scheme-based programming standpoint and exhibit higher
computing speeds than conventional von-Neumann architectures,
thus easing or even enabling handling complex task such as
artificial vision, speech recognition, information recovery in noisy
environments or general pattern recognition.
In ANN systems, collective information management is
achieved by means of parallel operation of neuron-like elements,
into which information processing is distributed. It is intended to
exploit this highly parallel processing capability as far as possible
in complex problem-solving tasks.
Cross-fertilization between the domains of artificial and real
neural nets is desirable. The more genuine problems of biological
computation and information processing in the nervous system
still remain open and contributions in this line are more than
welcome. Methodology, theoretical frames, structural and
organizational principles in neuroscience, self-organizing and co-
operative processes and knowledge based descriptions of neural
tissue are relevant topics to bridge the gap between the artificial
and natural perspectives.
The workshop intends to serve as a meeting place for
engineers and scientists working in this area, so that present
contacts and relationships can be further increased. The workshop
will comprise two complementary activities:
\item scientific and technical conferences, and
\item scientific communications sessions.
The workshop is open to all aspects of artificial neural networks,
\item Neural network theories. Neural models.
\item Biological perspectives
\item Neural network architectures and algorithms.
\item Software developments and tools.
\item Hardware implementations
\item Applications.
Facultad de Ciencias\\
Campus Universitario de Fuentenueva\\
Universidad de Granada\\
English and Spanish will be the official working languages. English
is preferable as the working language.
\section*{CALL FOR PAPERS}
The Programme Committee seeks original papers on the six above
mentioned areas. Survey papers on the various available
approaches or particular application domains are also sought.
In their submitted papers, authors should pay particular
attention to explaining the theoretical and technical choices
involved, to make clear the limitations encountered and to
describe the current state of development of their work.
Three copies of submitted papers (not exceeding 8 pages in
21x29.7 cms (DIN-A4), with 1,6 cm. left, right, top and bottom
margins) should be received by the Programme Chairman at the
address below before June 20, 1991.
The headlines should be centered and include:\\
$\bullet$ the title of paper in capitals\\
$\bullet$ the name(s) of author(s)\\
$\bullet$ the address(es) of author(s), and\\
$\bullet$ a 10 line abstract.
Three blank lines should be left between each of the above
items, and four between the headlines and the body of the paper,
written in English, single-spaced and not exceeding the 8 pages
All papers received will be refereed by the Programme
Committee. The Committee will communicate their decision to
the authors on July 10. Accepted papers will be published in the
proceedings to be distributed to workshop participants.
In addition to the paper, one sheet should be attached
including the following information:\\
$\bullet$ the title of the paper,\\
$\bullet$ the name(s) of author(s),\\
$\bullet$ a list of five keywords,\\
$\bullet$ a reference to which of the six topics the paper concerns,
$\bullet$ postal address of one of the authors, with phone and fax
numbers, and E-mail (if available).
We intend to get in touch with various international
publishers (such as Springer-Verlag and Prentice-Hall) for the
final version of the proceedings.
\noindent {\bf Contributions to be sent to:}
\noindent Prof. Jos\'{e} Mira\\
UNED---Dpto. Inform\'{a}tica y Autom\'{a}tica\\
C/Senda del Rey s/n\\
28040 MADRID (Spain)\\
Tel. (34) 1 5 44 60 00;
Fax: (34) 1 5 44 67 37\\
A list of available Hotels will be sent on registration. Hotel
reservations can be made directly by each participant with the
local agency below. All request should be addressed to:\\
\noindent Viajes Internacional Expreso (VIE)\\
Galerias Preciados\\
Carrera del Genil, s/n\\
18005 GRANADA (Spain)\\
Tel. (34) 58-22.44.95, -22.75.86, -224944\\
Telex: 78525\\
We can only guarantee to accept reservation received by July 25.
Regular fee: & 35.000 ptas.\\
IEEE, AEIA and ATI members fee: & 30.000 ptas.\\
Scholarship holders fee: & 5.000 ptas.\\
\subsection*{Inscription payments: }
Transfer to: & IWANN'91\\
& account number: 16.142.512\\
& Caja Postal (Code: 2088-2037.1)\\
& Camino de Ronda, 138\\
& 18003 GRANADA (SPAIN)\\
or alternatively, cheque made out to: &
IWANN'91 (16.142.512)\\
\subsection*{Secretariat address:}
Departamento de Electr\'{o}nica y Tecnolog\'{i}a de Computadores\\
Facultad de Ciencias\\
Universidad de Granada\\
FAX: 34-58-24.32.30 or 34-58-27.42.58\\
Phone: 34-58-24.32.26\\
E-Mail: jmerelo at, or: aprieto at
Sen\'{e}n Barro & Univ. de Santiago\\
Joan Cabestany & Univ. Pltca. de Catalunya\\
Jose Antonio Corrales& Univ. Oviedo\\
Gregorio Fern\'{a}ndez & Univ. Pltca. de Madrid\\
J. Simoes da Fonseca & Univ. de Lisboa\\
Antonio Lloris & Univ. Granada\\
Javier L\'{o}pez Aligu\'{e} & Univ. de Extremadura.\\
Jos\'{e} Mira {\bf (Programme Chairman)} & UNED. Madrid\\
Roberto Moreno & Univ. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria\\
Alberto Prieto {\bf (Organization Chairman)}& Univ. Granada\\
Francisco Sandoval & Univ. de M\'{a}laga\\
Carme Torras & Instituto de Cibern\'{e}tica. CSIC. Barcelona\\
Elena Valderrama & CNM--Univ. Aut\'{o}noma de Barcelona\\
{\large \bf(Universidad de Granada)}\\
Juan Juli\'{a}n Merelo\\
Julio Ortega\\
Francisco J. Pelayo\\
Bego\~{n}a del Pino\\
Alberto Prieto \\
\noindent (To be completed and returned as soon as possible to:\\
Departamento de Electronica, Facultad de Ciencias,\\
Univ. de Granada, 18071 GRANADA, SPAIN,\\
FAX (34)-58-24.32.30)\\
Block letters, please\\
E-mail: \hspace{4cm} Phone: \hspace{4cm} Fax:\\
Please tick as appropriate:\\
I intend to:\\
$\Box$ attend to the workshop\\
$\Box$ submit a paper\\
Name(s) of Author(s):\\
Provisional Title:
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