Tech Report Available
Arun Jagota
jagota at cs.Buffalo.EDU
Fri Sep 28 17:11:27 EDT 1990
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The following technical report is available:
The Hopfield-style network as a Maximal-Cliques Graph Machine
Arun Jagota
(jagota at
Department of Computer Science
State University Of New York At Buffalo
TR 90-25
The Hopfield-style network, a variant of the popular Hopfield neural
network, has earlier been shown to have fixed points (stable states)
that correspond 1-1 with the maximal cliques of the underlying graph.
The network sequentially transforms an initial state (set of vertices)
to a final state (maximal clique) via certain greedy operations. It has
also been noted that this network can be used to store simple, undirected
graphs. In the following paper, we exploit these properties to view the
Hopfield-style Network as a Maximal Clique Graph Machine. We show that
certain problems can be reduced to finding Maximal Cliques on graphs in
such a way that the network computations lead to the desired solutions.
The theory of NP-Completeness shows us one such problem, SAT, that can
be reduced to the Clique problem. In this paper, we show how this reduction
allows us to answer certain questions about a CNF formula, via network
computations on the corresponding maximal cliques. We also present a
novel transformation of finite regular languages to Cliques in graphs
and discuss which (language) questions can be answered and how. Our main
general result is that we have expanded the problem-solving ability of the
Hopfield-style network without detracting from its simplicity and while
preserving its feasibility of hardware implementation.
The report is available in compressed PostScript form by anonymous ftp
as follows:
unix> ftp (or, ftp
Name: anonymous
Password: neuron
ftp> cd pub/neuroprose
ftp> binary
ftp> get
ftp> quit
unix> uncompress
unix> lpr (use flag [if any] your printer needs for
Due to cost of surface mail, I request use of 'ftp' facility whenever
convenient. The report, however, is also available by surface mail.
I am also willing to transmit the LaTeX sources by e-mail.
Send requests (for one or the other) by e-mail to jagota at
Please do not reply with 'r' or 'R' to this message.
Arun Jagota
jagota at
Dept Of Computer Science
226 Bell Hall,
State University Of New York At Buffalo,
NY - 14260
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