NN AND VISION -IJPRAI-special issue

Dr. Josef Skrzypek skrzypek at CS.UCLA.EDU
Thu Sep 13 18:25:48 EDT 1990

Because of repeat enquiries about the special
issue of IJPRAI (Intl. J. of Pattern Recognition and AI) I am posting
the announcement again.


We are  organizing a  special  issue of  IJPRAI (Intl.   Journal of
Pattern Recognition  and Artificial Intelligence)  dedicated to the
subject   of neural networks in  vision   and pattern  recognition.
Papers  will be  refereed.  The  plan  calls for  the  issue  to be
published  in the fall of   1991.   I  would  like  to invite  your

   DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: 10th of December, 1990

   VOLUME TITLE: Neural Networks in Vision and Pattern Recognition

   VOLUME GUEST EDITORS: Prof. Josef Skrzypek and Prof. Walter Karplus
   Department of Computer Science, 3532 BH
   Los Angeles CA 90024-1596
   Email: skrzypek at cs.ucla.edu or karplus at cs.ucla.edu
   Tel: (213) 825 2381
   Fax: (213) UCLA CSD


The capabilities    of   neural    architectures   (supervised  and
unsupervised learning,   feature  detection and   analysis  through
approximate pattern matching, categorization and self-organization,
adaptation, soft constraints,  and signal based processing) suggest
new approaches to solving problems in vision, image  processing and
pattern recognition as applied to  visual stimuli.  The purpose  of
this special issue  is to encourage further  work and discussion in
this area.

The  volume will  include both invited  and submitted peer-reviewed
articles.  We are seeking submissions  from researchers in relevant
fields,   including,  natural  and  artificial vision,   scientific
computing,  artificial  intelligence, psychology, image  processing
and pattern recognition.  "We  encourage submission of: 1) detailed
presentations of  models   or  supporting  mechanisms,   2)  formal
theoretical analyses, 3)  empirical and methodological studies.  4)
critical  reviews   of neural  networks   applicability to  various
subfields of vision, image processing and pattern recognition.

Submitted    papers may  be    enthusiastic   or  critical  on  the
applicability   of  neural   networks  to   processing   of  visual
information.   The  IJPRAI   journal   would  like    to  encourage
submissions    from  both  , researchers  engaged   in analysis  of
biological      systems         such            as         modeling
psychological/neurophysiological data using neural networks as well
as from members of  the engineering  community who are synthesizing
neural network  models.  The number of  papers that can be included
in this special issue  will be limited.  Therefore,  some qualified
papers may be encouraged  for submission to  the regular issues  of


Submissions should  be sent to  Josef Skrzypek, by 12-10-1990.  The
suggested length is  20-22 double-spaced  pages  including figures,
references,  abstract and  so  on. Format  details, etc.  will   be
supplied on request.

Authors  are strongly  encouraged  to  discuss  ideas  for possible
submissions with the editors.

The  Journal   is  published  by   the  World   Scientific and  was
established in 1986.

Thank you for your considerations.

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