feature extraction in the striate cortex

fogler@sirius.unm.edu fogler at sirius.unm.edu
Wed Sep 5 12:01:08 EDT 1990

  I am investigating feature extraction for object recognition that mimics
in some fashion the algorithms and perhaps architectures that occur in
animal vision.  I have read a number of papers and/or books by Hubel,
Wiesel, Marr, Poggio, Ullman, Grimson, Wilson and others.

  I am looking for papers that relate to the orientation columns in the
striate cortex and how they might be interconnected for the purpose of
feature extraction.  Specifically, I am looking for information on the
encoding scheme(s) used to represent the orientation angles of features.
My background is in algorithms and hardware for signal processing,
computer vision, and neural networks.  I welcome comments and suggestions.

Joe Fogler
EECE Department
University of New Mexico
fogler at wayback.unm.edu

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