connectionism conference
Georg Dorffner
ai-vie!georg at
Sat Sep 1 10:18:04 EDT 1990
Sixth Austrian Artificial Intelligence Conference
Connectionism in Artificial Intelligence
and Cognitive Science
organized by the Austrian Society for
Artificial Intelligence (OGAI)
in cooperation with the Gesellschaft fuer Informatik
(GI, German Society for Computer Science),
Section for Connectionism
Sep 18 - 21, 1990
Hotel Schaffenrath
Salzburg, Austria
Conference chair: Georg Dorffner (Univ. of Vienna, Austria)
Program committee: J. Diederich (GMD St. Augustin, Germany)
C. Freksa (Techn. Univ. Munich, Germany)
Ch. Lischka (GMD St.Augustin, Germany)
A. Kobsa (Univ. of Saarland, Germany)
M. Koehle (Techn. Univ. Vienna, Austria)
B. Neumann (Univ. Hamburg, Germany)
H. Schnelle (Univ. Bochum, Germany)
Z. Schreter (Univ. Zurich, Switzerland)
invited lectures:
Paul Churchland (UCSD)
Gary Cottrell (UCSD)
Noel Sharkey (Univ. of Exeter)
Massive Parallelism and Cognition
Localist Network Models
Connectionism and Language Processing
Panel: Explanation and Transparency of Connectionist Systems
IMPORTANT! The conference languages are German and English. Below, the letter
'E' indicates that a talk or workshop will be held in English.
Scientific Program (Wed, Sep 19 til Fri, Sep 21):
Wednesday, Sep 19, 1990:
U. Schade (Univ. Bielefeld)
Kohaerenz und Monitor in konnektionistischen Sprachproduktionsmodellen
C. Kunze (Ruhr-Univ. Bochum)
A Syllable-Based Net-Linguistic Approach to Lexical Access
R. Wilkens, H. Schnelle (Ruhr-Univ. Bochum)
A Connectionist Parser for Context-Free Phrase Structure Grammars
S.C.Kwasny (Washington Univ. St.Louis),
K.A.Faisal (King Fahd Univ. Dhahran)
Overcoming Limitations of Rule-based Systems: An Example of a
Hybrid Deterministic Parser (E)
N. Sharkey (Univ. of Exeter), eingeladener Vortrag
Connectionist Representation for Natural Language: Old and New (E)
Workshop: Connectionism and Language Processing (chair: H. Schnelle) (E)
T. van Gelder (Indiana University)
Connectionism and Language Processing
H. Schnelle (Ruhr-Univ. Bochum)
Connectionism for Cognitive Linguistics
G. Dorffner (Univ. Wien, Oest. Forschungsinst. f. AI)
A Radical View on Connectionist Language Modeling
R. Deffner, K. Eder, H. Geiger (Kratzer Automatisierung Muenchen)
Word Recognition as a First Step Towards Natural Language Processing
with Artificial Neural Networks
N. Sharkey (Univ. of Exeter)
Implementing Soft Preferences for Structural Disambiguation
Paul Churchland, UCSD (invited talk)
Some Further Thoughts on Learning and Conceptual Change (E)
Thursday, Sep 20,1990:
G. Cottrell, UCSD (invited talk)
Will Connectionism replace symbolic AI? (E)
T. van Gelder (Indiana Univ.)
Why Distributed Representation is Inherently Non-Symbolic (E)
M. Kurthen, D.B. Linke, P. Hamilton (Univ. Bonn)
Connectionist Cognition
M. Mohnhaupt (Univ. Hamburg)
On the Importance of Pictorial Representations for the
Symbolic/Subsymbolic Distinction
M. Rotter, G. Dorffner (Univ. Wien, Oest. Forschungsinst. f. AI)
Struktur und Konzeptrelationen in verteilten Netzwerken
C. Mannes (Oest. Forschungsinst. f. AI)
Learning Sensory-Motor Coordination by Experimentation and
Reinforcement Learning
A. Standfuss, K. Moeller, J. Funke (Univ. Bonn)
Wissenserwerb ueber dynamische Systeme: Befunde konnektionistischer
Workshop: Massive Parallelism and Cognition (chair: C. Lischka) (E)
C. Lischka (GMD St. Augustin)
Massive Parallelism and Cognition: An Introduction
T. Goschke (Univ. Osnabrueck)
Representation of Implicit Knowledge in Massively Parallel Architectures
G. Helm (Univ. Muenchen)
Pictorial Representations in Connectionist Systems
M. Kurthen (Univ. Bonn)
Connectionist Cognition: A Summary
S. Thrun, K. Moeller (Univ. Bonn), A. Linden (GMD St. Augustin)
Adaptive Look-Ahead Planning
Explanation and Transparency of Connectionist Systems (E)
speakers: J. Diederich, C. Lischka (GMD),
G. Goerz (Univ. Hamburg), P. Churchland (UCSD),
Friday, Sep 21, 1990:
Workshop: Localist Network Models (chair: J. Diederich) (E)
S. Hoelldobler (ICSI Berkeley)
On High-Level Inferencing and the Variable Binding Problem
in Connectionist Networks
J. Diederich (GMD St.Augustin, UC Davis)
Recruitment vs. Backpropagation Learning:
An Empirical Study on Re-Learning in Connectionist Networks
W.M. Rayburn, J. Diederich (UC Davis)
Some Remarks on Emotion, Cognition, and Connectionist Systems
G. Paass (GMD St. Augustin)
A Stochastic EM Learning Algorithm for Structured Probabilistic
Neural Networks
T. Waschulzik, H. Geiger (Kratzer Automatisierung Muenchen)
Eine Entwicklungsmethodik fuer strukturierte konnektionistische
G. Cottrell (UCSD)
Why Localist Connectionism is a Mistake
A.N. Refenes (Univ. College London)
ConSTrainer: A Generic Toolkit for Connectionist Dataset Selection (E)
J.L. van Hemmen, W. Gerstner(TU Muenchen), A. Herz, R. Kuehn,
B. Sulzer, M. Vaas (Univ. Heidelberg)
Encoding and Decoding of Patterns which are Correlated in Space and
R. Salomon (TU Berlin)
Beschleunigtes Lernen durch adaptive Regelung der Lernrate bei
back-propagation in feed-forward Netzen
T. Waschulzik, H. Geiger (Kratzer Automatisierung Muenchen)
Theorie und Anwendung strukturierter konnektionistischer Systeme
H. Bischof, A. Pinz (Univ.f.Bodenkultur Wien)
Verwendung von neuralen Netzwerken zur Klassifikation natuerlicher
Objekte am Beispiel der Baumerkennung aus Farb-Infrarot-Luftbildern.
H.G. Ziegeler, K.W. Kratky (Univ. Wien)
A Connectionist Realization Applying Knowledge-Compilation and
Auto-Segmentation in a Symbolic Assignment Problem
A. Lebeda, M. Koehle (TU Wien)
Buchstabenerkennung unter Beruecksichtigung von kontextueller Information
Please send the following form to:
Georg Dorffner
Inst.f. Med. Kybernetik und Artificial Intelligence
Universitaet Wien
Freyung 6/2
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
For further questions write to the same address or contact directly
Georg Dorffner (Tel: +43 1 535 32 810, Fax: +43 1 63 06 52,
email: georg at ai-vie.uucp)
Connectionism in AI and Cognitive Science
Registration Application Form:
I herewith apply for registration at the 6th Austrian AI conference
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Telephone: __________________________________ email: _____________________
I will participate in the following events:
o Plenary lectures, scient. program, Panel AS 1.950,--
(DM 280,--)
reduced price for OGAI members AS 1.800,--
(DM 260,--)
reduced price for students (with ID!) AS 1.000,--
(DM 150,--)
Amount: _______________
o Workshops (price is included in conference fee)
o Massive Parallelism and Cognition
o Localist Network Models
o Connectionism and Language Processing
o Ich want to demonstrate a program and need the following
hard- and software:
o I transfer the mony to the checking account of the OGAI at the
Ersten Oesterreichischen Spar-Casse-Bank, No. 004-71186
o I am sending a eurocheque
o I need an invoice
signature: ____________________________________
The conference will be held at
Hotel Schaffenrath, Alpenstrasse 115, A-5020 Salzburg.
No rooms are available any more at that hotel. You can, however, send
the form below to the Hotel Schaffenrath, who will forward the
reservation to another nearby hotel.
Connectionism in AI and Cognitive Science
Hotel reservation
I want a room from __________________ to _______________________
(day of arrival) (day of departure)
ein o single AS 640,-- incl. breakfast
o double AS 990,-- incl. breakfast
o three beds AS 1200,-- incl. breakfast
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
Telephone: __________________________________
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