No subject sorkin at
Mon Oct 29 17:33:51 EST 1990

You should get in touch with two people who have done recent work
in the area:

Dan Greening (dgreen at and Dannie Durand (durand at

Both did at least some of their work while at IBM, collaborating
with Steve White (white at and Frederica Darema (darema at

-- Greg Sorkin   (sorkin at

Some of the work by Harold Szu on fast simulated annealing compares 
Cauchy and Boltzmann machines.  References follow in bib form.

a:~ (52) tiblook szu cauchy
%A Harold H. Szu
%T Fast Simulated Annealing
%J |AIP151|
%P 420-426
%K Cauchy Machine

%T Fast Simulated Annealing
%A Harold H. Szu
%A Ralph Hartley
%V 122
%N 3,4
%P 157-162
%D |JUN| 8, 1987
%K Cauchy Machine

%T Nonconvex Optimization by Fast Simulated Annealing
%A Harold H. Szu
%A Ralph L. Hartley
%J |IEEPro|
%V 75
%N 11
%D |NOV| 1987
%K Cauchy Machine

%T Design of Parallel Distributed Cauchy Machines
%A Y. Takefuji
%A Harold H. Szu
%J |IJCNN89|

ba:~ (53) tibabb phyla
D PHYLA Phys. Lett. A
D PHYLA Physics Letters. A
ba:~ (54) tibabb IEEPro
D IEEPro Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Proceedings
ba:~ (55) tibabb IJCNN89
D IJCNN89 International Joint Conference of Neural Networks\
ba:~ (56)

.   . .__.			       The opinions expressed herein are soley
|\./| !__!	 Michael Plonski       those of the author and do not represent
|   | |		"plonski at"     those of The Aerospace Corporation.

Ackley, D. H. (1984, December).
@i(Learning evaluation functions in stochastic parallel
networks.)  CMU Thesis Proposal.
%A Emile H. L. Aarts
%A Jan H. M. Korst
%T Computation in Massively Parallel Networks based on the Boltzmann Machine:
A Review
%J Parallel Computing
%V 9
%N 2
%D January 1989
%P 129-145
%K PARLE: conference on parallel architectures and languages -- Europe,
Boltzmann machines, simulated annealing, combinatorial optimization,
connectionist networks, neural networks, learning,

%A Prithviraj Banerjee
%A Mark Jones
%T A Parallel Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Standard Cell
Placement on Hypercube Computer
%J NASA Review of ICLASS: Illinois Computer Laboratory for Aerospace
Systems and Software
%I University of Illinois
%C Urbana-Champaign, IL
%D October 23, 1986

%A Prithviraj Banerjee
%A Mark Howard Jones
%A Jeff S. Sargent
%T Parallel Simulated Annealing Algorithms for Cell Placement on
Hypercube Multiprocessors
%J IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
%V PDS-1
%N 1
%D January 1990
%P 91-106
%K cell placement, error control, hypercube multiprocessor,
parallel processing, performance measurements, simulated annealing,
VLSI layout,

%A Valmir C. Barbosa
%A Eli Gafni
%T A Distributed Implementation of Simulated Annealing
%J Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
%V 6
%N 2
%D April 1989
%P 411-434
%K special issue: neural computing, research notes,

%A S. Wayne Bollinger
%A Scott F. Midkiff
%Z VA Poly, Blacksburg, VA
%T Processor and Link Assignment in Multicomputers
using Simulated Annealing
%J Proceedings of the 1988 International Conference on Parallel Processing
%V I, Architecture
%I Penn State
%C University Park, Penn
%D August 1988
%P 1-7
%K distributed systems, mapping problem, process annealing,
connection annealing, hypercube traffic,

%A Ken W. Bosworth
%A G. S. Stiles
%A Rick Pennington
%T A Parallel Nonlinear Integer Programming Algorithm Based on Branch
and Bound and Simulated Annealing
%E Garry Rodrigue
%B Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing
%C Philadelphia, PA
%D 1989
%P 126-130
%K numerical methods,

%A Casotto
%A et al.
%T A parallel simulated annealing algorithm for the
placement of macro-cells
%J ICCAD, 1986

%A A. Casotto
%A A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
%T Placement of Standard Cells Using Simlated Annealing on a
Connection Machine
%I Thinking Machines Corp.
%D Dec. 1986
%K computer aided design,

%A F. Darema-Rogers
%A S. Kirkpatrick
%A V. A. Norton
%Z IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY
%T Simulated Annealing on Shared Memory Parallel Systems
%J IBM J. on Res. & Dev.
%D 1987
%r RC 12195 (#54812)
%d October 1986

%A Nigel Dodd
%Z Royal Radar, Malvern
%T Graph matching by stochastic optimisation applied to the implementation
of multi-layer perceptrons on transputer networks
%J Parallel Computing
%V 10
%N 2
%D April 1989
%P 135-142
%K graph matching, graph isomorphism, transputer, parallel processing,
optimization, stochastic optimization, simulated annealing, MLP,

%A F. Ercal
%A J. Ramanujam
%A P. Sadayappan
%T Task Allocation onto a Hypercube by Recursive Mincut Bipartitioning
%J 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications
%V I, Architecture, Software, Computer Systems and General Issues
%C Pasadena, CA
%D January 1988
%P 210-221
%K load balancing and decomposition, mapping problem,
ARM (Kernighan/Lin), simulated annealing (SA),

%A R. Fiebrich
%A C. Wong
%Z Thinking Machines Corp.
%T Simulated Annealing-Based Circuit Placement Algorithm on
the Connection Machine
%J IEEE Intl. Conference on Computer Design
%C Rye Brook, NY
%D October 1987
%r TMC TP CAD87-2

%A G. C. Fox
%A W. Furmanski
%Z Caltech
%T Load Balancing Loosely Synchronous Problems with a Neural Network
%J 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications
%V I, Architecture, Software, Computer Systems and General Issues
%C Pasadena, CA
%D January 1988
%P 241-278
%r cccp-363B
%d February 1988
%K load balancing and decomposition, particle analogy, graph
simulated annealing, statistical physics, Monte Carlo,
Hopfield & Tank and Bold networks,

%A Grover
%T A new simulated annealing algorithm for standard cell placements
%D Nov. 1986

%A Harold M. Hastings
%A Stefan Waner
%Z Hofstra
%T Neural Nets on the MPP
%J Frontiers of Massively Parallel Scientific Computation
%R Conference Proc. 2478
%I NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
%C Greenbelt, MD
%D Sept. 1986
%D 1987
%P 69-73
%K computer science, neural network, annealing system,
stochastic cellular automaton,

%A Huang
%A et al.
%T An efficient general cooling algorithm for simulated annealing
%D 1986

%T Mapping Partitioned Program Modules Onto Multicomputer Nodes Using
Simulated Annealing
%P II-292--II-293
%A Kai Hwang
%A Jian Xu
%J Proceedings of the 1990 International Conference on Parallel Processing
%V II, Software
%I Penn State U. Press
%C University Park, Penn
%D August 1990
%K poster session, Parallel Software Management,

%A Daniel G. Jablonski
%T Simulated Annealing, Reversible Computation and Neural Nets
%I Supercomputing Research Center, IDA
%C Lanham, MD
%R SRC-TR-88-15
%D July 1988

%A Jepsen
%A Gelatt
%T Macro placement by Monte Carlo annealing
%J ICCD Conf.
%D Oct. 1983
%P 495-498

%A A. Kashko
%A H. Buxton
%A B. F. Buxton
%A D. A. Castelow
%T Parallel Matching and Reconstruction Algorithms in Computer Vision
%J Parallel Computing
%V 8
%N 1-3
%D October 1988
%P 3-17
%K Proc. Intl. Conf. on Vector and Parallel Processors in Computational
Science, III [VAPP III], Aug. 1987, Liverpool, England.  [Cover typo.]
computer vision, SIMD, DAP, correlation, relaxation, simulated annealing,
graduated non-convexity,

%T Parallel Simulated Annealing Using Speculative Computation
%P III-286--III-290
%A E. E. Witte
%A R. D. Charnberlain
%A M. A. Franklin
%J Proceedings of the 1990 International Conference on Parallel Processing
%V III, Algorithms and Applications
%I Penn State U. Press
%C University Park, Penn
%D August 1990
%K parallel algorithms,


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