// impl GA

lesher@ncifcrf.gov lesher at ncifcrf.gov
Mon Oct 29 17:55:02 EST 1990

author = "G. G. Robertson",
title = "Parallel Implementation of Genetic Algorithms in a Classifier
type = "Technical Report Series",
number = "RL87-5",
institution = "Thinking Machines Corporation",
address = "245 First Street, Cambridge, MA 01242-1214",
month = "May",
year = "1987"}	

Sarah Lesher

 From Hiroaki.Kitano at a.nl.cs.cmu.edu Wed Oct 31 12:27:24 1990
 Return-Path: <Hiroaki.Kitano at a.nl.cs.cmu.edu>
 Date: Mon, 29 Oct 1990 10:49-EST
 From: Hiroaki.Kitano at a.nl.cs.cmu.edu
 To: Yu Shen <shen at iro.umontreal.ca>
 Subject: Re: Parallel Implementation of Genectic Algorithm and Simulated
 In-Reply-To: Yu Shen's mail message of Mon, 29 Oct 90 09:59:43 EST

 We are currently working on massively parallel implementation on
 GA and Classifier system.
 By teh end of this year, we will be able to (I hope) have a paper for

 Hiroaki Kitano
 Center for Machine Translation
 Carnegie Mellon Univeristy,
 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 U.S.A.

%from the bibliography of parallel and supercomputing references, 
%icarus.riacs.edu ( in the /pub/bib directory
%A Elizabeth J. O'Neill
%A Craig G. Shaefer
%T The ARGOT Strategy III: The BBN Butterfly Multiprocessor
%E Joanne L. Martin
%E Stephen F. Lundstrom
%B Science and Applications: Supercomputing'88
%C Orlando, FL
%D 1988
%P 214-227
%K structural analysis, genetic algorithms, applications,

%A Chrisila C. Pettey
%A Michael R. Leuze
%Z CS Dept., Vanderbilt U.
%T Parallel Placement of Parallel Processes
%J 3rd Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications
%V I, Architecture, Software, Computer Systems and General Issues
%C Pasadena, CA
%D January 1988
%P 232-238
%K load balancing and decomposition,
parallel genetic algorithms (PGA/GA), simulated annealing,

%A Chrisila C. Petty
%A Michael R. Leuze
%A John J. Grefenstette
%T Genetic Algorithms on a Hypercube Multiprocessor
%B Hypercube Multiprocessors 1987
%C Philadelphia
%D 1987
%P 333-341


%A Stephanie Forrest
%Z Teknowledge
%T A Study of Parallelism in the Classifier System and its
Application to Classification in KL-One Semantic Networks
%R PhD thesis
%I Logic of Computer Group, University of Michigan
%C Ann Arbor, MI, USA
%D 1985
%X Received from PARSYM.

%A Stephanie Forrest
%Z Teknowledge
%T The Classifier System: A Computational Model that Supports
Machine Intelligence
%J Proceedings of the 1986 International Conference on Parallel Processing
%D August 1986
%P 711-716
%K Artificial intelligence, KL-one, simulation, pattern recognition,


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