learning a synaptic learning rule. TR available.

Wed Nov 21 19:41:36 EST 1990

The following technical report is now available by ftp from neuroprose:

Bengio Y. and Bengio S. (1990). Learning a synaptic learning rule.
Technical Report #751, Universite de Montreal, Departement d'informatique
et de recherche operationelle.

      Learning a synaptic learning rule  

Yoshua Bengio                    Samy Bengio  
McGill University,               Universite de Montreal 
School of Computer Science,      Departement d'informatique 
3480 University street,          et de recherche operationelle, 
Montreal, Qc, Canada, H3A 2A7    Montreal, Qc, Canada, H3C 3J7  
yoshua at cs.mcgill.ca              bengio at iro.umontreal.ca 

An original approach to neural modeling is presented,
based on the idea of searching for and tuning, with learning 
methods, a synaptic learning rule which is biologically plausible, and 
yields networks capable to learn to perform difficult tasks. 
This method relies on the idea of considering the synaptic modification 
rule DeltaW() as a parametric function. This function has local inputs 
and is the same in many neurons. Its parameters can be estimated with 
known learning methods. For this optimization, we give particular 
attention to gradient descent and genetic algorithms. Estimation of 
these parameters consists of a joint global optimization of 
(a) the synaptic modification function, and 
(b) the networks that are learning to perform some tasks, using this function.
We show how to compute the gradient of an optimization criteria
with respect to the parameters of DeltaW().
Both network architecture and the learning function can be
designed within constraints derived from biological knowledge.

To avoid that DeltaW() be too specialized, this function is forced 
to be the same for a large number of synapses, in a population of 
networks learning to perform different tasks. To enforce efficiency 
constraints, some of these networks should learn complex mappings 
(as in pattern recognition). Others should learn to reproduce 
behavioral phenomena, such as associative conditioning, and 
neurological phenomena, such as habituation, recovery, dishabituation 
and sensitization. The architecture of the networks reproducing 
these biological phenomena can be designed based on well-studied 
circuits, such as those involved in associations in Aplysia, 
Hermissenda, or the rabbit eyelid closure response. Multiple synaptic 
modification functions allow for the diverse types of synapses 
(e.g. inhibitory, excitatory). Models of pre-, epi- and 
post-synaptic mechanisms can be used to bootstrap Delta W(), so that 
it initially consists of a combination of simpler modules, each 
emulating a particular synaptic mechanism.

Copies of the postscript file bengio.learn.ps.Z may be obtained from the
pub/neuroprose directory in cheops.cis.ohio-state.edu. Either use the Getps
script or do this:

unix-1> ftp cheops.cis.ohio-state.edu          # (or ftp
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ftp> cd pub/neuroprose
ftp> binary
ftp> get bengio.learn.ps.Z
ftp> quit
unix-2> uncompress bengio.learn.ps.Z
unix-3> lpr -P(your_local_postscript_printer) bengio.learn.ps

Or, order a hardcopy by sending your physical mail address to
bengio at iro.umontreal.ca, mentioning Technical Report #751. 
Please do this only if you cannot use the ftp method described above.


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