Request for references to adaptive MLP/BP networks (i.e. changing training data)
Lorien Y. Pratt
pratt at
Thu Nov 15 18:03:01 EST 1990
I'm collecting references for papers which address the behavior of
back-propagation-like networks when the training data changes. My
bibliography so far of papers that look applicable is reproduced below
this message.
I'd appreciate any pointers that you might have to other papers,
especially recent ones, or where the fact that the training data
changes is not obvious from the title.
Thanks in advance!
-- Lori
@techreport{ weigend-90,
MYKEY = " weigend-90 : .unb .csy .con .meth",
TITLE = "Predicting the Future: A Connectionist Approach",
AUTHOR = "Andreas S. Weigend and Bernardo A. Huberman and David E.
YEAR = 1990,
MONTH = "April",
INSTITUTION = "Stanford PDP Research Group",
ADDRESS = "Stanford, California 94305-2130",
NUMBER = "Stanford-PDP-90-01, PARC-SSl-90-20",
@misc{ tenorio-89a,
MYKEY = " tenorio-89a : .bap .unr10 .unb .csy .app .con ",
TITLE = "{Adaptive Networks as a Model for Human Speech
NOTE = "A large scaled-up back-propagation study",
KEY = "tenorio-89a"
@INCOLLECTION{ barron-84,
MYKEY = " barron-84 : .unf .dt ",
AUTHOR = {R. L. Barron and A. N. Mucciardi and F. J. Cook and
J. N. Craig and A. R. Barron},
TITLE = {Adaptive Learning Networks: Development and Application in
the {United} {States} of Algorithms related to {GMDH}},
BOOKTITLE = {Self-Organizing Methods in Modeling},
PUBLISHER = {Marcel Dekker},
YEAR = {1984},
EDITOR = {S. J. Farlow},
address = "{New} {York}"
@misc{ nguyen-89,
MYKEY = " nguyen-89: .hop .blt .con .cnf ",
TITLE = "{A New LMS-Based Algorithm for Rapid Adaptive
Classification in Dynamic Environments}",
KEY = "nguyen-89"
Allen, R.B. Adaptive Training of Connectionist State Machines.
ACM Computer Science Conference, Louisville, Feb, 1989, 428.
--References for which I don't have full bibliographic information:--
Adaptive Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks
by Y. Pao
>From Von Nostran Reinhold:
An Introduction by Judith Dayhoff, Ph.D., Editor of the Journal of Neural
Network Computing
Contents include: Associative and Adaptive Networks - More Paradigms
The book: ``Neural Computing''
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