Centro de Inteligencia Artificial(ITESM) ISAI at TECMTYVM.BITNET
Tue Nov 13 19:23:35 EST 1990

    Please include the following information in your bulletin board.
    Thank you in advance.
              The Symposium Publicity Committee.
    Software Engineering, Data Base Systems, Computer Networks,
     Programming Environments, Management Information Systems,
                    Decision Support Systems.
               C A L L    F O R    P A P E R S
                      Preliminary Version.
     The Fourth International Sysmposium on Artificial Intelligence
     will be held in Cancun Mexico on November 13-15, 1991.
     The Symposium is sponsored by the ITESM (Instituto Tecnologico
     y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey) in cooperation with the
     International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Inc.,
        the American Association for Artificial Intelligence,
     the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence,
   the Sociedad Mexicana de Inteligencia Artificial and IBM of Mexico.
     Papers from all countries are sought that:
(1)  Present applications of artificial intelligence technology
     to the solution of problems in Software Engineering, Data
     Base Systems, Computer Networks, Programming Environments,
     Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems
     and other Informatics technologies; and
(2)  Describe research on techniques to accomplish such applications,
(3)  Address the problem of transfering the AI Technology in
     different socio-economic contexts and environments.
    Areas of application include but are no limited to:
       Software development, software design, software testing and
       validation, computer-aided software engineering, programming
       environments, structured techniques, intelligent databases,
       operating systems, intelligent compilers, local networks,
       computer network design, satellite and telecommunications,
       MIS and data processing applications, intelligent decision
       support systems.
   AI techniques include but are not limited to:
       Expert systems, knowledge acquisition and representation,
       natural language processing, computer vision, neural
       networks and genetic algorithms, automated learning,
       automated reasoning, search and problem solving,
       knowledge engineering tools and methodologies.
   Persons wishing to submit a paper should send five copies written
in English to:
              Hugo Terashima, Program Chair
              Centro de Inteligencia Artificial, ITESM.
              Ave. Eugenio Garza Sada 2501, Col.Tecnologico
              C.P. 64849 Monterrey, N.L. Mexico
       Tel.(52-83) 58-2000 Ext.5134
       Telefax (52-83) 58-1400 Dial Ext.5143 or 58-2000 Ask Ext.5143
       Net address: ISAI at tecmtyvm.bitnet or ISAI at
       The paper should identify the area and technique to which it
belongs. Extended abstract is not required. Use a serif type font,
size 10, sigle-spaced with a maximum of 10 pages. No papers will be
accepted by electronic means.
Important dates:
       Papers must be received by April 30,1991. Authors will be
notified of acceptance or rejection by June 15,1991. A final copy
of each accepted paper, camera ready for inclusion in the Symposium
proceedings, will be due by July 15,1991.

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