Intelligent Control Conference KOKAR at
Fri Nov 9 12:09:00 EST 1990



August 13-15,1991
Key Bridge Marriott
Arlington, Virginia

Sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society

General Chairman:        Harry E. Stephanou,
                         Rensselaer Polytechnic lnstitute
Program Chairman:        Alexander H. Levis, 
                         George Mason University 
Finance Chairman:        Elizabelh R.  Ducot, 
                         MlT Lincoln Labs 
Registration Chairman :  Umit Ozguner, 
                         Ohio State University
Publications Chairman:   Mieczyslaw Kokar, 
                         Northeastern University
Local Arrangements:      James E.  Gaby, 
                         UNYSlS Corporation

The 6th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC 91 )
will be held in conjunction with the 1991 IFAC Symposium on
Distributed Intelligence Systems.  Registrants in either symposium
will be able to attend all technical and social events in both
symposia and will receive preprint volumes from both.

The ISIC 91 theme will be "Integrating Quantitative and Symbolic
Processing".  The design and analysis of automatic control systems
have traditionally been based on rigorous, numerical techniques for
modeling and optimization. Conventional controllers perform well in
the presence of random disturbances, and can adapt to relatively small
changes in fairly well known environments.  Intelligent controllers
are designed to operate in unknown environments and, therefore,
require much higher levels of adaptation to unexpected events.  They
are also required to process and interpret large quantities of sensor
data, and use the results for action planning or replanning.  The
design of intelligent controllers, therefore, incorporates heuristic
and/or symbolic tools from artificial intelligence.  Such tools which
have traditionally been applied to open-loop, off-line problems, must
now be integrated into the perception-reasoning-action closed loop of
intelligent controllers.  Effective methods for the integration of
numerical and symbolic processing schemes are needed.  Robustness and
graceful degradation issues must be addressed.  Reconfigurable
feedback loops at varying levels of abstraction should be considered.

Papers are being solicited ior presentation at the Symposium and
publication in the Symposium Proceedings.  Topics include, but are not
limited to, the following:

Intelligent control architectures       Reasoning under uncertainty  
Self-organizing systems                 Sensor-based robot control
Fault detection and error recovery      Cellular robotics
Intelligent manufacturing control       Microelectro-mechanical
systems                                 systems
Discrete event systems                  Variable precision reasoning
Concurrent engineering                  Active sensing and perception
Neural network controllers              Multisensor data fusion
Hierarchical controllers                Intelligent inspection
Learning control systems                Intelligent database systems
Autonomous control systems              Microelectronics,advanced materials,
Knowledge representation for            and other novel applications
real-time processing 

Five copies of papers should be sent by February 15,1991 to:

   Professor Alexander H. Levis
   Dept. of ECE
   George Mason University
   Fairfax, VA 22030-4444
   Telephone: 703-764-6282

A separate cover sheet with the name of the corresponding author,
telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address should also be included.
Authors will be notified of acceptance by April 15, 1991. Accepted
papers, in final camera ready form, will be due on May 15, 1991.

Proposals for invited sessions and tutorial workshops are also
solicited.  Cohesive sessions focusing on successful applications are
particularly encouraged. Requests for additional information and
proposal submissions (by February 15, 1991) should be addressed to
Professor Levis.

Symposium Program Committee:
Suguru Arimoto, University of Tokyo     Vivek V, Badami, General Electric
John Baras, University of Maryland      Research Lab 
Piero Bonissone, General Electric       Hamid Berenji, NASA Ames
Research Lab                            V.T. Chien, National Science 
David B. Cooper, Brown University       Foundation
David A.  Dornfeld, University          Kenneth J. DeJong, George Mason
of California, Berkeley                 University
Judy A.  Franklin, GTE Laboratories     Masakazu Ejiri, Hitachi
Janos Gertler, George Mason Univesity   Roger Geesey, BDM International
Roderic Grupen, University of           George Giralt, LAAS 
Massachusetts                           William A. Gruver, University of
Susan Hackwood, University of           Kentucky
California, Riverside                   Thomas Henderson, Uiversity of Utah
Joseph K. Kearney, University of        Pradeep Khosla, Carnegie Mellon 
Iowa                                    University
Yves Kodratoff, Universite de Paris     Benjamin Kuipers, University of Texas,
Michael B. Leahy, Air Force Institute   Austin
of Technology                           Gaston H. Lefranc, Universidad Catolica
Ramiro Liscano, Nat'l Research Council  Valparaiso
of Canada                               Ronald Lumia, NIST
Yukio Mieda, Honda Engineering Co.,Ltd  Thang N. Nguyen, IBM Corporation
Kevin M. Passino, Ohio State            Michael A.Peshkin, Northwestern 
University                              University
Roger T. Schappell, Martin Marietta     Yoshiaki Shirai, Osaka University
Marwan Simaan, University of            Janos Sztipanovits, Vanderbilt
Pittsburgh                              University
Zuheir Tumeh, General Motors Research   Kimon P. Valavanis, Northeastern 
Labs                                    University
Agostino Villa, Politecnico di Torino   John Wen, Rensselaer Polytechnic

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