TR available
Arun Jagota
jagota at cs.Buffalo.EDU
Tue Mar 13 16:09:48 EST 1990
The following technical report is available:
A Hopfield-style network for content-addressable memories
Arun Jagota
Department of Computer Science
State University Of New York At Buffalo
With the binary Hopfield network as a basis, new learning and
energy descent rules are developed. It is shown, using graph
theoretic techniques, that the stable states of the network
are the maximal cliques in the underlying graph and that the
network can store an arbitrary collection of memories without
interference (memory loss, unstable fixed points). In that sense
(and that sense alone), the network has exponential capacity
(upto 2^(n/2) memories can be stored in an n-unit network).
Spurious memories can (and are likely) to develop. No analytical
results for these are derived, but important links are established
between the storage and recall properties of the network and the
properties of the memories that are stored. In particular it is
shown, partly by analysing the graph underlying the network, that
the network retrieval time and other desirable properties depend
on the 'sparse-ness' of the memories and whether they have a
'combinatorial' structure (as defined in the report).
It is shown that the network converges in <= n iterations and for
sparse memories (and initial states) with sparseness k, 0 < k < n,
it converges in <= k iterations.
The report is available in PostScript form by anonymous ftp as follows:
unix> ftp (or, ftp
Name: anonymous
Password: neuron
ftp> cd pub/neuroprose/Inbox
ftp> binary
ftp> get
ftp> quit
unix> uncompress
unix> lpr (use flag your printer needs for Postscript)
[sometime soon, the report may be moved to pub/neuroprose]
It is recommended that hard-copy requests be made only if it is
not possible (or too inconvenient) to access the report via ftp.
I have developed a software simulator that I am willing to share with
individuals who might be interested (now or later). It has been
carefully 'tuned' for this particular model, implementing the network
algorithms in a most efficient manner. It allows configurability,
(any size 1-layer net, other parameters etc) and provides a
convenient 'symbolic' interface.
For hard-copy (and/or simulator) requests send e-mail (or write to)
the following address. Please do not reply with 'r' or 'R' to this
Arun Jagota
e-mail: jagota at
Dept Of Computer Science
226 Bell Hall,
State University Of New York At Buffalo,
NY - 14260
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