Welcome to Neuron-Digest
Neuron-Digest Moderator Peter Marvit
neuron-request at hplabs.hpl.hp.com
Tue Jun 26 05:46:00 EDT 1990
>X-Handled-By: EUnet via goya.uucp
The following address has been added to the Neuron-Digest mailing list:
"JJ Merelo" <jmerelo at ugr.es>
You should begin receiving Digests shortly.
At the end of this message is the official "blurb" of this Digest. You can
retrieve back issues with anonymous ftp, as described in the blurb. Please
let me know if you have difficulties or need back issues mailed.
Please feel free to submit messages early and often. The Digest will be
thin without your participation. Send all messages to (UUCP style)
"hplabs!neuron-request" or (ARPA style) "neuron-request at hplabs.hp.com".
Who are YOU and what are YOUR interests? Also, how did you find out about
the Digest?
-Peter Marvit
Neuron-Digest Moderator
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ARPA: NEURON at hplabs.hp.com
uucp: ...!hplabs!neuron
Neuron-Digest is a list (in digest form) dealing with all aspects of neural
networks (and any type of network or neuromorphic system), especially:
NATURAL SYSTEMS Software Simulations
Neurobiology Hardware
Neuroscience Digital
Neural Networks Optical
Algorithms Cellular Automatons
Some key words which may stir up some further interest include:
Hebbian Systems Widrow-Hoff Algorithm
Perceptron Threshold Logic
Holography Content Addressable Memories
Lyapunov Stability Criterion Navier-Stokes Equation
Annealing Spin Glasses
Locally Couples Systems Globally Coupled Systems
Dynamical Systems (Adaptive) Control Theory
Back-Propagation Generalized Delta Rule
Pattern Recognition Vision Systems
Parallel Distributed Processing Connectionism
Any contribution in these areas is accepted. Any of the following are
Abstracts Reviews
Lab Descriptions Research Overviews
Work Planned or in Progress Half-Baked Ideas
Conference Announcements Conference Reports
Bibliographies History Connectionism
Puzzles and Unsolved Problems Anecdotes, Jokes, and Poems
Queries and Requests Address Changes (Bindings)
Archived files/messages are available with anonymous ftp from
hplpm.hpl.hp.com ( in the directory pub/Neuron-Digest.
That directory contains back issues with the names vol-nn-no-mm (e.g.,
vol-3-no-02). I'm also collecting simulation software in
pub/Neuron-Software. Contributions are welcome.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions,
etc., should be sent to neuron-request at hplabs.hp.com.
Moderator: Peter Marvit <marvit at hplabs.hp.com>
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