This is for the Librarian.!

SATINDER@cs.umass.EDU SATINDER at cs.umass.EDU
Wed Jun 13 12:36:00 EDT 1990

     Some time ago - Robbie Jacobs sent out a message inviting requests 
for his Ph.d Thesis report. Unfortunately he forgot to mention that the 
department charges for Ph.d reports - even though other tech. reports 
are distributed free of charge. In Robbie's absence -- I am sending this 
reminder from the Librarian.....

Thank you for your request for COINS technical report 90-44, a Ph.D.
thesis by Robert Jacobs.  Unfortunately, Mr. Jacobs forgot to mention
that Ph.D. papers are NOT free of charge.  If you would still like to
receive the paper, please send a check or money order made out to:

        ***** COINS Department *****

in the amount of $7.05 US$.  Once I have received the money for the
paper, I will forward the paper to you right away.

Please forward your request and your check to:

   Connie Smith, Librarian
   Computer & Information Science Department
   University of Massachusetts
   Lederle Graduate Research Center
   Amherst, MA  01007

Thanks very much for your interest in our department.  I look forward
to hearing from you.

---------------------------  end message.


P.S.     PLEASE  DO  NOT  REPLY TO THIS  MESSAGE. IT will be ignored.!!

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