Summary (long): pattern recognition comparisons

Richard Fozzard fozzard at boulder.Colorado.EDU
Thu Jul 26 12:34:46 EDT 1990

Here are the responses I got for my question regarding comparisons of
connectionist methods with traditional pattern recognition techniques.

I believe Mike Mozer (among others) puts it best: 
"Neural net algorithms just let you
do a lot of the same things that traditional statistical algorithms allow
you to do, but they are more accessible to many people (and perhaps
easier to use)."

Read on for the detailed responses. (Note: this does not include anything
posted to, to save on bandwidth)


Richard Fozzard					"Serendipity empowers"
Univ of Colorado/CIRES/NOAA	R/E/FS  325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303
fozzard at                   (303)497-6011 or 444-3168

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