roommate wanted for cog sci conference

Mon Jul 2 16:26:00 EDT 1990

I'm looking for a roommate for the Cognitive Science Society Conference,
July 25-28 (inclusive).

I'll be staying at the Hyatt Regency.  Your half of the cost would be 
$57.50 x 4 nights = $230, plus your share of any taxes.  (I've checked
rates at other places near MIT, and they're all much higher.)

I don't smoke and I don't snore; that's all I ask of a roommate.

  John K. Kruschke                    Asst. Prof. of Psych. & Cog. Sci.
  Dept. of Psychology                 kruschke at
  Indiana University                  kruschke at iubacs.bitnet
  Bloomington, IN 47405-4201 USA      (812) 855-3192

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