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Selma M Kaufman smk at
Tue Jan 30 09:17:50 EST 1990

Subject:  TR Available - Connectionist Language Users

Connectionist Language Users
Robert B. Allen

The Connectionist Language Users (CLUES) paradigm employs neural
learning algorithms to develop reactive intelligent agents.  In
much of the research reported here, these agents "use" language
to answer questions and to interact with their environment.  The
model is applied to simple examples of generating verbal descrip-
tions, answering questions, pronoun reference, labeling actions,
and verbal interactions between agents.  In addition the agents
are shown to be able to model other intelligent activities such
as planning, grammars and simple analogies, and an adaptive
pedagogy is introduced.  Overall, these networks provide a natur-
al account of many aspects of language use.


This report, which integrates 2 years of work and numerous short-
er papers, takes the next step.  'Grounded' recurrent networks
are are applied to a wide range of linguistic problems.

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