probability learning mini bibliography

thanasis kehagias ST401843%BROWNVM.BITNET at VMA.CC.CMU.EDU
Sat Jan 27 20:45:08 EST 1990

at the risk of becoming boring ...

a while ago i had asked pointers to probability learning by neural nets.

there were very few replies to the query, which i summarize below. format
is bibtex, as usual.

(remark: one of the netters -cannot recall his name- remarked that mean field
theory can be onterpreted as probability learning. prima facie this sounds
right but i did not follow his lead. people interested in mf theory, i have
included some references in my dynamic neural nets bibliography, available
by FTP from this site.)

usual disclaimer: this bibliography is far from complete and if somebody's
work is not included, do not flame me , send me the refernce ...


 title        ="Cognitive and Psychological Computation
                with Neural Models",
 author       ="J.A. Anderson",
 journal      ="IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics",
 volume       ="SMC-13",
 year         ="1983"

 title        ="Distinctive Features, Categorical Perception and
                Learning:some Applications of a Neural Model   ",
 author       ="J.A. Anderson and others   ",
 journal      ="Psychological Review",
 year         ="1977",
 volume       ="84",
 page         ="413-451",

 title        ="Probabilistic Characterization of
                Neural Model Computation",
 booktitle    ="Neural Information Processing Systems",
 author       ="R.M. Golden",
 editor       ="J.S. Denker",
 year         ="1987",
 organization ="American Institute for Physics"

title         ="Learning and Relearning in Boltzmann Machines",
booktitle     ="Parallel Distributed Processing",
author        ="G. Hinton and T. Sejnowski",
volume        ="1",
year          ="1986",

 title        ="G-Maximization:An Unsupervised Learning Procedure
                for discovering Regularities",
 booktitle    ="Neural Networks for Computing",
 author       ="B. Pearlmutter and G. Hinton",
 editor       ="J.S. Denker",
 year         ="1986",
 pages        ="333-338",
 organization ="American Institute for Physics"
 author      ="A. Lansner and O. Ekeberg",
 title       ="A One-Layer Feedback Artificial Neural
               Network with a Bayesian Leraning Rule",
 number      ="TRITA-NA-P8910",
 institution ="Roy. Inst. of Technology, Stockholm",
 year        ="1989"

 AUTHOR      ="R. SUN",
 TITLE       ="The Discrete Neuronal Model and the
               Probabilistic Discrete Neuronal Model",
 NUMBER      ="?",
 INSTITUTION ="Computer Sc. Dept., Brandeis Un.",
 year        ="1989"

title         ="Information Processing in Dynamical Systems",
booktitle     ="Parallel Distributed Processing",
author        ="P. Smolensky",
volume        ="1",
year          ="1986",

 author      ="S. Solla",
 title       ="Accelerated Learning Experiments in
               Layered Neural Networks",
 journal      ="Complex Systems",
 year         ="1988",
 volume       ="2",

 author      ="H. Sussman",
 title       ="On the Convergence of Learning Algorithms
               for Boltzmann Machines",
 number      ="sycon-88-03",
 institution ="Rutgers Center for Systems and Control",
 year        ="1988"

author=       "R. Sun",
title        ="The Discrete Neuronal model and
               the Probabilistic Discrete Neuronal Model",
booktitle    ="Int. Neural Network Conf.",
year         ="1989"

author          ="R. Williams",
title           ="Reinforcement learning in connectionist networks",
number          ="TR 8605",
organization    ="ICS,  University of California, San Diego",
year            ="1986"

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