Reviewers for Special Issue of Connection Science

Lyn Shackleton lyn%CS.EXETER.AC.UK at VMA.CC.CMU.EDU
Tue Feb 13 08:17:34 EST 1990

The Journal, Connection Science, is soon to announce
a call for papers for a special issue on Simulations
of Psychological Processes.

So far the special editorial board consists:

James A. Anderson
Walter Kintsch
Dennis Norris
David Rumelhart
Noel Sharkey

Others will be added to this list.

We are now calling for REVIEWERS for the special issue.
We would like to enlist volunteers from any area of psychology
with experience in connectionist modeling.

Please state name and area of expertise.

lyn shackleton

Centre for Connection Science       JANET:  lyn at
Dept. Computer Science
University of Exeter                UUCP:   !ukc!expya!lyn
Exeter EX4 4PT
Devon                    BITNET: lyn at

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