NIPS-90 CALL For Papers
Steve Hanson
jose at
Tue Feb 6 19:32:57 EST 1990
IEEE Conference on
Neural Information Processing Systems
-Natural and Synthetic-
Monday, November 26 - Thursday, November 29, 1990
Denver, Colorado
This is the fourth meeting of an inter-disciplinary conference
which brings together neuroscientists, engineers, computer
scientists, cognitive scientists, physicists, and mathematicians
interested in all aspects of neural processing and computation.
Two days of focused workshops will follow at a nearby ski area
(Nov 30-Dec 1). Major categories and examples of subcategories
for paper submissions are the following;
Neuroscience: Neurobiological models of development,
cellular information processing, synaptic function, learning
and memory. Studies and analyses of neurobiological
Implementation and Simulation: Hardware implementation of
neural nets. VLSI, Optical Computing, and practical issues
for simulations and simulation tools.
Algorithms and Architectures: Description and experimental
evaluation of new net architectures or learning algorithms:
data representations, static and dynamic nets, modularity,
rapid training, learning pattern sequences, implementing
conventional algorithms.
Theory: Theoretical analysis of: learning, algorithms,
generalization, complexity, scaling, capability, stability,
dynamics, fault tolerance, sensitivity, relationship to
conventional algorithms.
Cognitive Science & AI: Cognitive models or simulations of
natural language understanding, problem solving, language
acquisition, reasoning, skill acquisition, perception, motor
control, categorization, or concept formation.
Applications: Neural Networks applied to signal processing,
speech, vision, character recognition, motor control,
robotics, adaptive systems tasks.
Technical Program: Plenary, contributed and poster sessions will
be held. There will be no parallel sessions. The full text of
presented papers will be published.
Submission Procedures: Original research contributions are
solicited, and will be carefully refereed. Authors must submit
six copies of both a 1000-word (or less) summary and six copies
of a separate single-page 50-100 word abstract clearly stating
their results by May 17, 1990. At the bottom of each abstract
page and on the first summary page indicate preference for oral
or poster presentation and specify one of the above six broad
categories and, if appropriate, sub-categories (For example:
POSTER-Applications: Speech, ORAL-Implementation: Analog VLSI).
Include addresses of all authors at the front of the summary and
the abstract and to which author correspondence should be
addressed. Submissions will not be considered that lack category
information, separate abstract sheets, the required six copies,
author addresses or are late.
Mail Submissions To: Mail Requests For Registration Material To:
John Moody Kathie Hibbard
NIPS*90 Submissions NIPS*90 Local Committee
Department of Computer Science Engineering Center
Yale University University of Colorado
P.O. Box 2158 Yale Station Campus Box 425
New Haven, Conn. 06520 Boulder, CO 80309-0425
Organizing Committee:
General Chair: Richard Lippmann, MIT Lincoln Labs; Program Chair:
John Moody, Yale; Neurobiology Co-Chair: Terry Sejnowski, Salk;
Theory Co-Chair: Gerry Tesauro, IBM; Implementation Co-Chair:
Josh Alspector, Bellcore; Cognitive Science and AI Co-Chair:
Stephen Hanson, Siemens; Architectures Co-Chair: Yann Le Cun, ATT
Bell Labs; Applications Co-Chair: Lee Giles, NEC; Workshop Chair:
Alex Waibel, CMU; Workshop Local Arrangements, Howard Wachtel, U.
Colorado; Local Arrangements, Kathie Hibbard, U. Colorado;
Publicity: Stephen Hanson, Siemens; Publications: David
Touretzky, CMU; Neurosciences Liaison: James Bower, Caltech; IEEE
Liaison: Edward Posner, Caltech; APS Liaison: Larry Jackel, ATT
Bell Labs; Treasurer: Kristina Johnson, U. Colorado;
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