Full/Part-Time Research Assistant & Programmer Positions

Mark Gluck gluck%psych at Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Mon Dec 31 23:41:43 EST 1990

Two Full/Part Time Research Assistant Positions in:



                       Rutgers University
          Center for Molecular & Behavioral Neuroscience
                     195 University Avenue
                       Newark, NJ   07102

Two research positions are available for persons interested
in pursuing empirical and/or theoretical research in the
in cognitive and neural sciences.

The positions are ideal for someone who has just graduated with
an undergraduate degree and would like a year or two of "hands on"
experience in research before applying to graduate school in
one of the cognitive sciences (e.g., neuroscience, psychology,
computer science).

We are looking for two people:

  A person with strong programming skills to work in the
 development of computational theories of the neural & cognitive bases
 of learning. Familiarity with current PDP/neural-network algorithms and
 research would be helpful, as would experience with C/Unix and Sun
 computer systems. Work would either focus on the development of
 network models of human learning and/or biological-circuit models of the
 neural bases of animal learning.

  A person with experience in running and designing human cognitive
 psychology experiments to work in the design, execution, and data
 analysis of behavioral studies of human categorization learning.

Other Information:

FACILITIES: The Center is a new state-funded research center for
 the integrated studies of cognitive, behavioral, and molecular neuroscience.
 The Center has good computational resources and experimental laboratories
 for behavioral and neural studies.

LOCATION: The Center is located in Newark, NJ, approximately 20 minutes
 outside of Manhattan, New York (with easy train and subway access to
 midtown and downtown NYC) and close to rural New Jersey countryside.
 Numerous other research centers in the cognitive and neural sciences
 are located nearby including: Cognitive Science Center, Rutgers/New Brunswick;
 Centers for Cognitive & Neural Science, New York University; Cognitive
 Science Center, Princeton Univ.; Columbia Univ. & Medical School; Siemens
 Corporate Research, Princeton, NJ; NEC Research Labs, Princeton, NJ;
 AT&T Labs; Bellcore; IBM T. J. Watson Research Labs.

CURRENT FACULTY: E. Abercrombie, G. Buzsaki, I. Creese, M. Gluck,
 H. Poizner, R. Siegel, P. Tallal, J. Tepper. Six additional faculty
 will be hired. The center has a total of ten state-funded postdoctoral
 positions and will direct, in collaboration with the Institute for Animal
 Behavior, a graduate program in Behavioral and Neural Sciences.

For more information on learning research at the CMBN/Rutgers or to apply
for these post-doctoral positions, please send a cover letter with a statement
of your research interests, a CV, copies of relevant preprints, and the
the names & phone numbers of references to:

Dr. Mark A. Gluck                                      Phone: (415) 725-2434
Dept. of Psychology   <-[Current address to 4/91]        FAX: (415) 725-5699
Jordan Hall; Bldg. 420
Stanford University                          email: gluck at psych.stanford.edu
Stanford, CA  94305-2130

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