requesting references on the list
fritz_dg%ncsd.dnet at
Fri Dec 7 09:58:02 EST 1990
>> I'm interested to do comparative studies between Tabu search and
>> annealing algorithm. Could someone kindly give me references on tabu
>> search? Thanks.
> I want to remind people that the CONNECTIONISTS list is not intended for
> those who are too lazy to do their own library work. If you're going to
> post a plea for basic information, please do it on
> This list is intended for discussions among practicing researchers.
I disagree. Extensive library work starting from scratch is basically a
learning task for students who are still busy paying their dues (or professors
writing monographs). Asking around for pointers into the literature is a time
honored way of getting what you need without doing everything the hard way.
Practicing Researchers are usually too busy producing to hit the library stacks
with nothing but a ball-point pen in their hands every time there is a need to
know. Also, some of us don't have convenient access to large libraries, or grad
students to run there for us, and thus asking around can be crucial. Finally,
it is often the case that if one person is interested in a topic, others are
too. Any feedback from unexpected sources (eg. obscure, internally-circulated
technical reports) would be a valuable, and valid, use of the list.
D. Fritz fritz_dg%ncsd at
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