Cambridge Neural Networks Course Announcement

Richard Prager rwp at
Fri Dec 7 07:21:57 EST 1990

	    Cambridge University Programme for Industry

			  Neural Networks
		    Theory Design & Applications
			15 - 19 April 1991

		     Preliminary Announcement

A five-day advanced short course on the theory, design and applications of
artificial neural networks, presented by leading international experts in
the field:

	Professor David RUMELHART       Stanford University
	Professor Geoffrey HINTON       University of Toronto
	Dr Andy BARTO                   University of Massachusetts
	Dr Herve BOURLARD               Philips Research Labs. Belgium
	Professor Elie BIENENSTOCK      ESPCI Paris
	Professor Frank FALLSIDE        University of Cambridge
	Professor Horace BARLOW         University of Cambridge
	Dr Peter RAYNER                 University of Cambridge
	Dr Lionel TARASSENKO            University of Oxford

This intensive short course for scientists, engineers and their managers
aims to develop an understanding of the potential for neural network-based
solutions, and demonstrates techniques for transforming problems to enable
neural networks to solve them more efficiently.  Design methodologies for a
number of common neural network architectures will be described.  By the
end of the course delegates will be able to assess the potential usefulness
of neural network technology to their own application domains.  They will
have an understanding of the strength and weakness of a neural network
approach and will have acquired an insight into factors affecting neural
network design and performance.

The lectures will be complemented by discussion sessions and practical
computing sessions that will demonstrate simulated applications.  The
lectures will cover basic theory behind neural network algorithms, together
with applications in speech and language processing, signal processing, and
robotic control.

If you are interested please print out the form below, fill it in and
return to Pam Whitfield, Cambridge Programme for Industry.  University of
Cambridge.  Department of Engineering.  Trumpington Street.  Cambridge.
CB2 1PZ United Kingdom.

    | Please send me full details of the course: NEURAL NETWORKS       |
    | to be held at Pembroke College, Cambridge, England.              |
    | 15 - 18 April 1991.     COURSE FEE 875 pounds sterling.          |
    | Accommodation can be arranged for delegates at Pembroke College. |
    |                                                                  |
    | Name _______________________ Job Title ______________________    |
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    | Company ____________________ Division _______________________    |
    |                                                                  |
    | Address _____________________________________________________    |
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    |         _____________________________________________________    |
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    | Postcode __________ Phone Number __________ Fax _____________    |

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