IJCNN-91-Seattle paper deadline is coming up!
Don Wunsch
dwunsch at blake.u.washington.edu
Mon Dec 3 14:47:46 EST 1990
JCNN '91 Seattle
Call for Papers
The International Neural Networks Society (INNS) and
the Institute for Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE)
invite all persons interested in the field of Neural Networks
to submit papers for possible presentation at the Conference.
Papers must be RECEIVED by February 1, 1991. Submissions
received after February 1, 1991 will be returned unopened. All
submissions will be acknowledged by mail. International authors
should submit their work via Air Mail or Express courier so as to
ensure timely arrival.
Eight copies (one original and seven copies) are required for
submission. Do not fold or staple the original, camera-ready copy. Do
not number the pages on the front of the camera-ready copy. Papers of
no more than six pages, including figures, tables and references, should
be written in English, and only complete papers will be considered.
Papers must be submitted camera-ready on 8 1/2" by 11" white
bond paper with 1" margins on each of the top, bottom, left and right
sides, and un-numbered. They should be prepared by a typewriter or
letter-quality printer in one-column format,
single-spaced, in Times or similar style font of 10 point or
larger, and should be printed on one side of the paper
only. FAX submissions are not acceptable.
Centered at the top of the first page should be the complete
title, author name(s), affiliation(s) and mailing address(es). This is
followed by a space and then the abstract, up to 15 lines, followed by the
text. In an accompanying letter, the fillowing must be included:
Corresponding Author:
Name, mailing address, telephone and FAX numbers
Technical Area
(Neurobiology, applications, electronic implementations,
optical implementations, image processing, vision, speech,
network dynamics, optimization, robotics and control,
learning and generalization, neural network architectures,
or other)
Presentation Format Preferred:
Oral or Poster
Name, mailing address, telephone and FAX numbers
If an oral talk is requested, include any special audio/video
requests. Special audio/video requests beyond 35mm slide and
overhead transparency projectors will be honored only if there
are sufficient requests to justify them. If you have special
audio/video needs, please contact Sarah Eck at conference
management for more information.
Send Papers to:
IJCNN '91 Seattle
Conference Management,
Attn. Sarah Eck, MS/GH-22, Suite 108
5001 25th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98195
Tel (206) 543-0888 FAX (206) 685-9359
Submissions received after this date will be returned unopened.
The cost for IJCNN-91-Seattle is $195.00 for INNS and IEEE
members for early registration, deadline March 1, 1991. Non-members
early registration is $295.00 and students will pay $50.00. Late
registration will be honored until June 1, 1991 to members at $295.00,
non-members at $395.00, and students at $75.00. On-site registration will
be $395.00, $495.00 and $95.00 respectively.
Tutorials will be offered at an additional cost of $195.00, or
$295.00 for tutorial registration on site.
Exhibitors will present the latest in neural networks, including
neurocomputers, VLSI neural networks, implementations, software systems
and applications at IJCNN-91-SEATTLE. IJCNN-91-SEATTLE is the neural
network industry's largest trade show.
Hope to see you there!
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