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ananth sankar
sankar at
Fri Aug 24 17:19:35 EDT 1990
Rutgers University
CAIP Center
CAIP Neural Network Workshop
15-17 October 1990
A neural network workshop will be held during 15-17 October 1990 in
East Brunswick, New Jersey under the sponsorship of the CAIP Center of
Rutgers University. The theme of the workshop will be
"Theory and impact of Neural Networks on future technology"
Leaders in the field from government, industry and academia will
present the state-of-the-art theory and applications of neural
networks. Attendance will be limited to about 100 participants.
A Partial List of Speakers and Panelists include:
J. Alspector, Bellcore
A. Barto, University of Massachusetts
R. Brockett, Harvard University
L. Cooper, Brown University
J. Cowan, University of Chicago
K. Fukushima, Osaka University
D. Glasser, University of California, Berkeley
S. Grossberg, Boston University
R. Hecht-Nielsen, HNN, San Diego
J. Hopfield, California Institute of Technology
L. Jackel, AT&T Bell Labs.
S. Kirkpatrick, IBM, T.J. Watson Research Center
S. Kung, Princeton University
F. Pineda, JPL, California Institute of Technology
R. Linsker, IBM, T.J. Watson Research Center
J. Moody, Yale University
E. Sontag, Rutgers University
H. Stark, Illinois Institute of Technology
B. Widrow, Stanford University
Y. Zeevi, CAIP Center, Rutgers University and The
Technion, Israel
The workshop will begin with registration at 8:30 AM on Monday, 15
October and end at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, 17 October. There will be
dinners on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings followed by special-topic
discussion sessions. The $395 registration fee ($295 for participants
from CAIP member organizations), includes the cost of the dinners.
Participants are expected to remain in attendance throughout the entire
period of the workshop. Proceedings of the workshop will subsequently
be published in book form.
Individuals wishing to participate in the workshop should fill out the
attached form and mail it to the address indicated.
If there are any questions, please contact
Prof. Richard Mammone
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rutgers University
P.O. Box 909
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Telephone: (201)932-5554
Electronic Mail: mammone at
FAX: (201)932-4775
Telex: 6502497820 mci
Rutgers University
CAIP Center
CAIP Neural Network Workshop
15-17 October 1990
I would like to register for the Neural Network Workshop.
Title:________ Last:_________________ First:_______________ Middle:__________
Affiliation _________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________
Business Telephone: (___)________ FAX:(___)________
Electronic Mail:_______________________ Home Telephone:(___)________
I am particularly interested in the following aspects of neural networks:
Fee enclosed $_______
Please bill me $_______
Please complete the above and mail this form to:
Neural Network Workshop
CAIP Center, Rutgers University
Brett and Bowser Roads
P.O. Box 1390
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1390 (USA)
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