No subject

Fineberg fineberg at
Mon Apr 9 14:16:07 EDT 1990

Rutgers University

CAIP Center

CAIP Neural Network Workshop

15-17 October 1990

A neural network workshop will be held during 15-17 October 1990 in East Brunswick, New Jersey under the sponsorship of the CAIP Center of Rutgers University.  The theme of the workshop will be

"Theory and Applications of Neural Networks"

with particular emphasis on industrial applications.  Leaders in the field from both industrial organizations and universities will present the state-of-the-art in neural networks.  Attendance will be limited to about 90 persons.

Partial List of Speakers and Panel Chairmen

		J. Alspector, Bellcore
		A. Barto, University of Massachusetts
		R. Brockett, Harvard University
		K. Fukushima, Osaka University
		S. Grossberg, Boston University
		R. Hecht-Nielsen, HNN, San Diego
		J. Hopfield, California Institute of Technology
		S. Kung, Princeton University
		F. Pineda, JPL, California Institute of Technology
		R. Linsker, IBM, T. J. Watson Research Center
		E. Sontag, Rutgers University
		H. Stark, Illinois Institute of Technology
		B. Widrow, Stanford University
		Y. Zeevi, CAIP Center, Rutgers University and The Technion, Israel

The workshop will begin with registration at 8:30 AM on Monday, 15 October and end at 5:00 PM on Wednesday.  There will be a dinner on Tuesday evening followed by special-topic discussion sessions.  The $395 registration fee ($295 for participants from CA
IP member organizations), includes the cost of the dinner.  Participants are urged to remain in attendance throughout the entire period of the workshop.  Proceedings of the workshop will subsequently be published in book form.

Individuals wishing to participate in the workshop should fill out the attached form and mail it to the address below.  In addition to the formal presentations, there will be a limited number of poster papers.  Interested parties should send a title and a
bstract to be considered for poster presentation.  The papers should be submitted by July 31, 1990.

For further information, contact
				Dr. Richard Mammone
				Telephone: (201)932-5554
				Electronic Mail: mammone at
				FAX: (201)932-4775
				Telex: 6502497820 mci

Rutgers University

CAIP Center

CAIP Neural Network Workshop

15-17 October 1990

I would like to participate in the Neural Network Workshop.  Please send registration details.

Title:________ Last:__________________________ First:____________________ Middle:______________________

Affiliation	_________________________________________________________

Address    	_________________________________________________________

Business Telephone: (___)________________________ FAX: (___)_________________________________________

Electronic Mail:_______________________ Home Telephone:(___)______________________________

I am particularly interested in the following aspects of neural networks:



I would be interested in participating in a panel___, round-table discussion and/or in___presenting a paper on the subject of__________________________________________. (Please attach a one-page title and abstract).

Please complete the above and mail this form to:

				Neural Network Workshop
				CAIP Center, Rutgers University
				P.O. Box 1390
				Piscataway, NJ 08855-1390 (USA)


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