Yet Another Neural Conference (YANC)

Mahesan Niranjan at NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK
Mon Sep 4 09:02:56 EDT 1989

Here is the programme of the IEE Conference on ANNs.


PS:  IEE means Institute of Electrical Engineers (in UK)
PPS: ANN means Artificial Neural Networks

IEE First International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks

at IEE Savoy Place   16-18 October 1989

Registration:   Conference Services
		IEE Savoy Place  London WC2R 0BL
		tel:  01-240-1871
		fax:  01-240-7735



MONDAY 16 October

Registration            8.30
Formal Opening          9.30

Keynote address:
'On the significance of internal representations in neural networks', Kohonen.

Session 1 - Self Organising and Feedback Networks

'Hierarchical self-organisation: a review', Luttrell, RSRE

'A comparative study of the Kohonen and Multiedit neural net learning
algorithms', Kittler & Lucas, Surrey U

'Self-organisation based on the second maximum entropy principle',
Grabec, E K U, Yugoslavia

'A new learning rule for feedback neural networks', Tarassenko, Seifert,
Tombs & Reynolds, Oxford U & Murray, Edinburgh U

'Linear interpolation with binary neurons', Jonker, Coolenet & van der Gon,
Utrecht U

CLOSE - LUNCH   12.30

Session 2 - Implementation I    14.00

'Silicon implementation of neural networks', Murray, Edinburgh U

'Digital optical technology for the neural plane', Collins & Crossland,
STC & Vass, Edinburgh U

'Implementation of plasticity in MOS synapses', Card & Moore, Oxford U

'Integrated circuit emulation of ART1 Networks, Rao, Walker, Clark &
Akers, Arizona SU

'A limited connectivity switched capacitor analogue neural processing
circuit with digital storage of non-binary input weights', Bounds, RSRE

TEA - Poster session 1          15.40

'A non-competitive model for unsupervised learning' Hrycej, PCS, W.Germany

'Evolution equations for neural networks with arbitrary spacial structure',
Coolen, van der Gon & Ruijgrok, Utrecht U

'Hardware realisable models of neural processing', Taylor, Clarkson, KCL
& Gorse UCL, London

'On the training and the convergence of brain-state-in-a-box neural networks'
Vandenberghe & Vandewalle, Katholieke U Louven

'Learning in a single pass: a neural model for instantaneous principal
component analysis and linear regression', Rosenblatt, Concept Technols, Lelu
& Georgei, INIST/CNRS France

'Dynamic scheduling for feed-forward neural nets using transputers', Oglesby
& Mason, UC Swansea

'Analogue-to-digital conversin of self organising networks - the JAM
technique', Allinson, Johnson & Brown, York U

'Temporal effects in a simple neural network deived from an optical
implementation', Wright & White, BAe

'Neural networks and systolic arrays', Broomhead, Jones, McWhirter &
Shepherd, RSRE

'Infrared search and track signal processing: a potential application of
artificial neural computing', Chenoweth, Louisville U

'Optimal visual tracking with artificial neural networks, Dobnikar, Likar
& Podberegar, Ljubljana U

'Extension of the Hopfield neural network to a multilayer architecture for
optical implementation', Selviah & Midwinter, UCL, London

Session 3 - Vision      16.20

'A neural network approach to the computation of vision algorithms',
Psarrou & Buxton, QMC London

'A neural network implementation for real-time scene analysis', Allen, Adams
& Booth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne U

'Optical flow estimation using an artificial neural network', Zhongquan,
Purdue U

'Neural networks and Hough transform for pattern recognition', Costa &
Sandler, KCL, London

CLOSE OF SESSION                     17.40

Cocktail Party in IEE Refectory      18.00-19.15


Session 4 - Speech      09.00

'Experimental comparison of a range of neural network and conventional
techniques for a word recognition task', Bedworth, Bridle, Flyn &
Ponting, RSRE, Fallside & Prager, Cambridge U, Fogelman & Bottu, EHEI,

'Two level recognition of isolated words using neural nets', Howard &
Huckvale, UCL, London

'Predictive analysis of speech using adaptive networks', Lowe, RSRE

'The application of artificial neural network techniques to low bit-range
speech coding', Kaouri & McCanny, Belfast U

'The modified Kanerva model: results for real time word recognition', Prager,
Clarke & Fallside Cambridge U

COFFEE - Poster session 2       10.40

'Identifying and discriminating temporal events with connectionist language
users', Allen Kaufman & Bahmidpaty, Illinois U

'Auditory processing in a post-cochlear stochastic neural network', Schwartz,
Demongeot, Herve, Wu & Escudier, ICP, France

'Neural networks for speech pattern classification', Renals & Rohwer,
Edinburgh U

'Weight limiting, weight quantisation and generalisation in multi-layer
perceptrons', Woodland, BTRL

'Using a connectionist network to eliminate redundancy from a phonetic
lattice in an analytical speech recognition system', Miclet & Caharel, CNET

'Speaker recognition with a neural classifier', Oglesby & Mason, UC Swansea

'Output functions for probabilistic logic nodes', Myers, ICST London

'Neural networks with restricted-range connections', Noest, Brain Research
Inst, Netherlands

'A hybrid neural network for temporal pattern recognition', McCulloch &
Bounds, RSRE

'A/D conversion and analog vector quantization using neural network models,
Svensson & Chen, Linkoping U

'Stochastic searching networks', Bishop, Reading U

Session 5 - Architectures       11.00

'Canonical neural nets based on logic nodes', Aleksander, ICST London

'Designing neural networks', Cybenko, Illinois U.

'A continuously adaptable artificial neural network', Sayers & Coghill,
Auckland U

'An analysis of silicon models of visual processing', Taylor, KC London


Session 6 - Signal and Data Processing  14.00

'Nonlinear decision feedback equalizers using neural network structures',
Siu, Cowan & Gibson, Edinburgh U

'Equalisation using neural networks', Jha, Durrani & Soraghan, Strathclyde U

'Artificial neural net algorithms in classifying electromyographic signals',
Pattichis, Middleton & Schizaz, MDRT of Cyprus, Schofield & Fawcett,
Newcastle Gen Hospital

'Recognition of radar signals by neural network', Beastall, RNEC UK

'Applications of neural networks to nondestructive testing', Upda & Upda,
Colorado U

TEA - Poster session 3  15.40

'Bearing estimation using neural optimisation methods', Jha & Durrani,
Strathclyde U

'An example of back propagation: diagnosis of dyspepsia', Ridella, Mella,
Arrigo, Marconi, Scalia & Mansi, CNR Italy

'The application of pulse processing neural networks in communications and
signal demodilation', Chesmore, Hull U

'Neural networks and GMDH regression: case studies and comparisons',
Harrison, Mort, Hasnain & Linkens, Sheffield U

'The application of neural networks to tactical and sensor data fusion
problems', Whittington & Spracklen, Aberdeen U

'A new learning paradigm for neural networks', Lucas & Damper, Southampton U

'Estimating hidden unit quantity of two-layer perceptrons performing binary
 mappings', Gutierrez, Gondin & Wang, Arizona SU

'Training networks with discontinuous activation functions', Findlay,
Plessey Research

'Can a perceptron find Lyapunov functions?', Banks & Harrison, Sheffield U

Session 7 - Multilayer perceptrons I    16.20

'Single-layer look-up perceptrons (SLLUPS)', Tattersall & Foster, UEA

'Probabilistic learning on a network and a Markov random field', Wright, BAe

'Building symmetries into feedforward networks', Shawe-Taylor, London U

'Stochastic computing and reinforcement neural networks', Mars, Durham U &
Leaver, BAe

CLOSE OF SESSION        17.40

WEDNESDAY 18 October

Session 8 - Image Processing    9.00

'Optical character recognition using artificial networks: past and future',
Alpaydin, SFIT Switzerland

'An associative neural architecture for invariant pattern classification',
Austin, York U

'Self-organising Hopfield networks', Naillon & Theeten, LEPA France

'Comparison of neural networks and conventional techniques for feature
location in facial images', Hutchinson & Welsh, BTRL

'Expectation-based feedback in a neural network whcih recognises hand-drawn
characters and symbols', Banks & Elliman, Nottingham U

COFFEE - Poster session 4        10.40

'Matching of attributed and non-attributed graphs by use of Boltzmann
Machine algorithm', Kuner, Siemens W Germany

'Image processing with optimum neural networks', Bichsel, PSI Switzerland

'A comparative study of neural network structures for practical application
in a pattern recognition task', Bisset, Fiho & Fairhurst, Kent U

'On the use of pre-defined regions to minimise the training and complexity of
multy-layer neural networks', Houselander & Taylor, UCL London

'A novel training algorithm', Wang & Grondin, Arizona SU

'Diffusion learning for the multilayer perceptron', Hoptroff & Hall, KC

'Automatic learning of efficient behaviour', Watkins, Philips UK

'Learning with interferene cells', Sequeira & Tome, IST - AV Portugal

'Test of neural netork as a substitute for a traditional small-scale expert
system', Filippi & Walker, Rome U

'Image compression with competing multilayer perceptrons', Sirat & Viala,
LEP, France

Session 9 - Multilayer percepteons II   11.00

'The radial basis function network: adapting the transfer functions to suit
the experiment and the problem of generalisation', Lowe, RSRE

'On the analysis of multi-dimensional linear predictive/autoregressive data
by a class of single layer connectionist models', Fallside, Cambridge U

'Unlimited input accuracy in layered networks', Sirat & Zorer, LEP, France

'The properties and implementation of the non-linear vector space
connectionist model', Lynch & Rayner, Cambridge U


Session 10 - AI and Neural Networks       14.00

'Overcoming independence assumption in Bayesian neural networks', Kononenko,
FEE, Yugoslavia

'A neural controller', Saerens & Soquet, IRIDIA, Belgium

'Linked assembly of neural netwoeks to solve the interconnection problem,
Green & Noakes, Essex U

'Building expert systems on neural architecture', Fu, Wisconsin U

'COMPO - conceptual clustering with connectionist competitive learining',
de Garis, Bruxelles LU


Session 11 - Implementation II     16.10

'Ferroelectric connections for IC neural networks', Clark, Dey, & Grondin,
Arizona SU

'An implementation of fully analogue sum-of-product neural models', Daniel,
Waller & Bisset, Kent U

'The implementation of hardware neural net systems', Myers, BTRL

'A general purpose digital architecture for neural network simulation',
Duranton & Mauduit, LEPA, France

CLOSING REMARKS by Cowan        17.30



O.K. thanks for the attention......

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