request for recurrent nets bibliography
thanasis kehagias
Sun Oct 29 16:23:21 EST 1989
I am trying to compile a bibliography of recurrent neural networks. i have
traced about twenty references , which i enclose in this message .
however i want to do something more complete, so i decided to go public
with the following request:
please send me any and all references you have on recurrent
neural nets. recurrent neural nets, for my purposes, is any net of
identical units that perform local computations, and where the output of
units at time t is fed back to the units at time t+1. this is a fairly
general definition. feel free to include references to older works of
connectionist flavor. if you feel generous send me the references in the
bibtex format , a sample of which is given below in my preliminary list
of references. if you feel even more generous, send me a copy of the
work you recommend (especially if it is by yourslef) to the surface
Thanasis Kehagias
Division of Applied Math
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
if you see a work of yours in the preliminary list that is not fully or
accurately listed, please send me the corrections. please send me more
theoretically flavored work: if you have five application papers that
use the same concepts from recurrent nets, you can send me just one that
captures the essentials of the theory you use.
supplemntary request: if you feel like it, send me references to
work that deals with learning probability distributions, either of
random variables (static) or stochastic processes (dynamic - this
probably uses recurrent nets).
of course, i am depending on your good will: send me as much as
you can without interfering with your normal work schedule. any offers
are welcome. it goes without saying that i will compile the list and
make it available through connectionists for anybody who is interested.
thank you very much -
thansis kehagias
preliminary bibliography:
AUTHOR= "R.E. Scneider",
TITLE= "The Neuron as a Sequential Mahine",
YEAR= "",
AUTHOR= "V. Rajlich",
TITLE= "Dynamics of certain Discrete Systems and Self
Reproduction of Patterns",
YEAR= "",
AUTHOR= "R.M. Golden",
TITLE= "A Unified Framework for Connectionist Systems",
JOURNAL= "Biol. Cybernetics",
YEAR= "1988",
VOLUME= "59"
AUTHOR= "L.I. Rozonoer",
TITLE= "Random Logical Nets, I-III (in Russian)",
JOURNAL= "Avtomatika i Telemekhanika"
YEAR= "1969"
AUTHOR= "I. Parberry",
TITLE= "Relating Boltzmann Machines to Conventional
Models of Computation",
JOURNAL= "Neural Networks",
YEAR= "1989",
AUTHOR= "J.J. Hopfield",
TITLE= "Neurons with Graded Response have Collective
Computational Properties like those of Two-State Neurons",
JOURNAL= "Proc. Nat'l Acad. Sci. USA",
YEAR= "1984",
VOLUME= "81"
AUTHOR= "W.S. Stornetta",
TITLE= "A Dynamical Approach to Temporal Pattern Processing",
YEAR= "",
AUTHOR= "M.I. Jordan",
TITLE= "Supervised Learning and Systems with Excess
Degrees of Freedom",
JOURNAL= "COINS Technical Report",
YEAR= "1988",
VOLUME= "88-27"
AUTHOR= "F.J. Pineda",
TITLE= "Generalization of Back Propagation to Recurrent
Neural Nets",
JOURNAL= "Physical Review Letters" ,
YEAR= "1987",
VOLUME= "59"
AUTHOR= "F.J. Pineda",
TITLE= "Dynamics and Architecture for Neural Computation",
JOURNAL= "Journal of Complexity",
YEAR= "1988",
AUTHOR= "G.Z. Sun",
TITLE= "A Recurrent Network that learns Context Free Grammars",
YEAR= "",
AUTHOR= "B.A. Pearlmutter",
TITLE= "Learning State Space Trajectories in Recurrent Neural Nets",
YEAR= "",
AUTHOR= "J.J. Hopfield",
TITLE= "Neural Nets and Physical Systems with Emergent
Collective Computational Properties",
JOURNAL= "Proc. Nat'l Acad. Sci. USA",
YEAR= "1982",
AUTHOR= "S. Amari",
TITLE= "Characteristics of Random Nets of Analog
YEAR= "1972",
AUTHOR= "D.H. Ackley",
TITLE= "A Learning Algorithm for Boltzmann Machines",
JOURNAL= "Cognitive Science",
YEAR= "1985",
AUTHOR= "C. Peterson and J.R. Anderson",
TITLE= "A Mean Field Theory Learning Algorithm for Neural Nets",
JOURNAL= "Complex Systems",
YEAR= "1987",
AUTHOR= "H. Bourlard and C.J. Wellekens",
TITLE= "Links between Markov Models and Multilayer Perceptrons",
JOURNAL= "Phillips Research Lab",
YEAR= "1988",
VOLUME= "M 263"
AUTHOR= "H. Bourlard and C.J. Wellekens",
TITLE= "Speech Dynamics and Recurrent Neural Nets",
YEAR= "1989",
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