CFP: Parallel Computing special issue on NNs

Heinz Muehlenbein gmdzi!muehlen at uunet.UU.NET
Tue Nov 7 09:55:10 EST 1989

  Special issue on neural networks
Dear colleagues,
I am editing a special issue of the journal Parallel Computing
on neural networks. The following topics will be covered

  ---introduction to NN
  ---simulation of NN's
  ---performance of NN's
  --- limitations of current NN's 
  ---the next generation

I am looking for papers describing the limitations of current NN's
and/or give an outline of the next generation. In my opinion, the
next generation of NN's will have the following features ( to mention only
some important ones). They are
Modular neural networks are networks which are composed out of
subnetworks, which can be trained independently. A major problem is
to find the modular structure which fits the specific application
problem. I have proposed  genetic neural networks as a longterm
research topic.
In these networks, the genes specify the network modules
and their interconnection. By simulating the evolution process, these
networks adapt to the application.
I believe that many researchers are going into the same direction. Why
not publishing it now? 
Please contact me by e-mail. Deadline for abstracts is the end of
November. Deadline for the finished paper (length 10-15 pages) is
January, 31. The issue will appear late summer 1990.

-----Heinz Muehlenbein
      P.O 1240
 5205 Sankt Augustin 1
muehlen at gmdzi.uucp

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