conference announcement - EMCSR 1990
Georg Dorffner
mcvax!ai-vie!georg at uunet.UU.NET
Fri May 19 11:37:42 EDT 1989
Announcement and Call for Papers
April 17-20, 1990
University of Vienna, Austria
Session M:
Parallel Distributed Processing
in Man and Machine
D.Touretzky (Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA)
G.Dorffner (Vienna, Austria)
Other Sessions at the meeting will be:
A: General Systems Methodology
B: Fuzzy Sets, Approximate Reasoning and Knowledge-based Systems
C: Designing and Systems
D: Humanity, Architecture and Conceptualization
E: Cybernetics in Biology and Medicine
F: Cybernetics in Socio-Economic Systems
G: Workshop: Managing Change: Institutional Transition in the
Private and Public Sector
H: Innovation Systems in Management and Public Policy
I: Systems Engineering and Artificial Intelligence for Peace
J: Communication and Computers
K: Software Development for Systems Theory
L: Artificial Intelligence
N: Impacts of Artificial Intelligence
The conference is organized by the Austrian Society for
Cybernetic Studies (chair: Robert Trappl).
For symposium M, all contributions in the fields of PDP,
connectionism, and neural networks are welcome.
Acceptance of contributors will be determined on the basis of
Draft Final Papers. These papers must not exceed 7 single-spaced
A4 pages (maximum 50 lines, final size will be 8.5 x 6 inches),
in English. They have to contain the final text to be
submitted, however, graphs and pictures need not be of
reproducible quality.
The Draft Final Paper must carry the title, author(s) name(s),
and affiliation in this order. Please specify the symposium in
which you would like to present the paper (one of the letters
above). Each scientist shall submit only 1 paper.
Please send t h r e e copies of the Draft Final Paper to:
EMCSR 90 - Conference Secretariat
Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies
Schottengasse 3
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Deadline for submission: Oct 15, 1989
Authors will be notified about acceptance no later than Nov 20,
1989. They will then be provided with the detailed instructions
for the preperation of the Final Paper.
Proceedings containing all accepted papers will be printed.
For further information write to the above address, call +43 222
535 32 810, or send email to: sec at ai-vie.uucp
Questions concerning symposium M (Parallel Distributed
Processing) can be directed to Georg Dorffner (same address as
secretariat), email: georg at ai-vie.uucp
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