TR available
Jose del R. MILLAN
mcvax!!millan at uunet.UU.NET
Fri Mar 31 04:09:00 EST 1989
The following Tech. Report is available. Requests should be sent to
Learning by Back-Propagation:
a Systolic Algorithm and its Transputer Implementation
Technical Report LSI-89-15
Jose del R. MILLAN
Dept. de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informatics
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Dept. d'Arquitectura de Computadors
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
In this paper we present a systolic algorithm for back-propagation, a
supervised, iterative, gradient-descent, connectionist learning rule. The
algorithm works on feedforward networks where connections can skip layers and
fully exploits spatial and training parallelisms, which are inherent to
back-propagation. Spatial parallelism arises during the propagation of activity
---forward--- and error ---backward--- for a particular input-output pair. On
the other hand, when this computation is carried out simultaneously for all
input-output pairs, training parallelism is obtained. In the spatial dimension,
a single systolic ring carries out sequentially the three main steps of the
learnng rule ---forward, backward and weight increments update. Furthermore, the
same pattern of matrix delivery is used in both the forward and the backward
passes. In this manner, the algorithm preserves the similarity of the forward
and backward passes in the original model. The resulting systolic algorithm is
dual with respect to the pattern of matrix delivery ---either columns or rows.
Finally, an implementation of the systolic algorithm for the spatial dimension
is derived, that uses a linear ring of Transputer processors.
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