Missing link etc...
Mahesan Niranjan
niranjan%digsys.engineering.cambridge.ac.uk at NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK
Wed Mar 29 09:17:49 EST 1989
Some recent papers and postings on this network compare HMMs and Multi-layer
neural networks. Here is something I find missing in these discussions.
In speech pattern processing, HMMs make an inherent assumption about
the time series; - that it can be chopped up into a sequence of
piecewise stationary regions. Thus, an HMM places break-points in the
transition regions of the signal and models the steady regions by the
statistical parameters of individual states.
For speech signals, this is a bad assumption (human speech production is
not at all like this) - but the recognisers somehow seem to work!!
In neural networks (with or without feedback) what is the equivalent
assumption about the time evolution of the signal?
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