Joerg Kindermann
unido!gmdzi!joerg at uunet.UU.NET
Thu Jan 12 04:30:50 EST 1989
Workshop ``DANIP''
Distributed Adaptive Neural Information Processing.
Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH
Sankt Augustin
Neural information processing is constantly gaining increasing attention in
many scientific areas. As a consequence the first ``Workshop Konnektionismus''
at the GMD was organized in February 1988. It gave an overview of research
activities in neural networks and their applications to Artificial
Intelligence. Now, almost a year later, the time has come to focus on the
state of neural information processing itself.
The aim of the workshop is to discuss TECHNICAL aspects of information
processing in neural networks on the basis of personal contributions in one of
the following areas:
- new or improved learning algorithms (including evaluations)
- self organization of structured (non-localist) neural networks
- time series analysis by means of neural networks
- adaptivity, e.g the problem of relearning
- adequate coding of information for neural processing
- generalization
- weight interpretation (correlative and other)}
Presentations which report on ``work in progress'' are encouraged. The size of
the workshop will be limited to 15 contributions of 30 minutes in length. A
limited number of additional participants may attend the workshop and take part
in the discussions.
To apply for the workshop as a contributor, please send information about your
contribution (1-2 pages in English or a relevant publication).
If you want to participate without giving an oral presentation, please include
a description of your background in the field of neural networks.
Proceedings on the basis of workshop contributions will be published after the
28 February 1989: deadline for submission of applications
20 March 1989: notification of acceptance
24 - 25 April 1989: workshop ``DANIP''
31 July 1989: deadline for submission of full papers
to be included in the proceedings
Applications should be sent to the following address:
Dr. Joerg Kindermann or Alexander Linden
Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik
und Datenverarbeitung mbH
- Schloss Birlinghoven -
Postfach 1240 D-5205 Sankt Augustin 1
e-mail: joerg at gmdzi al at gmdzi
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