worldwide circulation

Dave.Touretzky@B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU Dave.Touretzky at B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU
Mon Feb 20 21:05:54 EST 1989

The following are the policies on redistribution of messages from
the CONNECTIONISTS list, and related issues:

1. The moderator of Neuron Digest is a subscriber to CONNECTIONISTS, and,
with my permission, extracts public announcements of upcoming conferences,
new tech reports, and talk abstracts for reposting to Neuron Digest, which
in turn shows up on  He eliminates from these messages
any reference to the CONNECTIONISTS list before reposting them.  He DOES
NOT repost any technical discussions from this list, only public
announcements to which no reply is expected.

2. If you want to be sure some announcement of yours is not redistributed to
other lists, start off with a "**DO NOT FORWARD TO ANY BBOARDS**" line as
Jordan Pollack has done.  Your wishes will be respected.

3. Subscription to CONNECTIONISTS is restricted to people actively engaged
in neural net research.  Some sites maintain local redistribution lists; it
is the responsibility of the local list maintainer to see that this
subscription policy is adhered to.  We have had no problems so far.

4. Conferences and workshops may be announced on this list AT MOST twice:
once to send out a call for papers, and once to remind non-authors about
the registration deadline.  A flood of repetitive announcements about the
same conference is not welcome here.

5. Random requests for trivial info (Does anybody know Frank Rosenblatt's
net address?) should be sent to connectionists-request at, not to
the entire list.  Some of our overseas subscribers pay hard cash for every
kbyte of messages they receive; let's keep the noise level to a minimum.

6. To respond to the author of a message on the connectionists list, e.g., to
order a copy of his or her new tech report, use the "mail" command, not the
"reply" command.  Otherwise you will end up sending your message to the
entire list, which REALLY annoys some people.  The rest of us will just
laugh at you behind your back.

7. Do not EVER tell a friend about connectionists at  Tell him or
her only about connectionists-request at  This will save your
friend much public embarassment if he/she tries to subscribe.

-- Dave

PS: This list has grown by an order of magnitude since its creation.  It
now contains nearly 450 addresses, including two dozen local redistribution
sites in the US, Canada, UK, Germany, Greece, Australia, and Japan.  So
even without any Neuron Digest rebroadcasting, announcements posted here
will be widely read.

PPS: a public service announcement: the collected papers of the 1988 NIPS
conference have gone to the printer.  The book contains 91 papers and 4
invited talk summaries.  Total length is about 830 pages.  Printing,
binding, packing, and shipping take 5 weeks, so copies will start issuing
from the Morgan Kaufmann warehouse in early April.  The correct citation for
papers in this volume is:

  D. S. Touretzky (ed.) Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 1.
  San Mateo, CA:  Morgan Kauffman, 1989.  [Collected papers of the IEEE
  Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems - Natural and Synthetic,
  Denver, Nov. 28-Dec. 1, 1988.]

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