thesis/tech report
Bartlett Mel
mel at
Thu Feb 9 13:26:34 EST 1989
The following thesis/TR is now available--about 50% of it is
dedicated to relations to traditional methods in robotics, and
to psychological and biological issues...
MURPHY: A Neurally-Inspired Connectionist Approach to
Learning and Performance in Vision-Based
Robot Motion Planning
Bartlett W. Mel
Center for Complex Systems Research
Beckman Institute, University of Illinois
Many aspects of intelligent animal behavior require an understanding
of the complex spatial relationships between the body and its parts
and the coordinate systems of the external world. This thesis deals
specifically with the problem of guiding a multi-link arm to a visual
target in the presence of obstacles. A simple vision-based kinematic
controller and motion planner based on a connectionist network
architecture has been developed, called MURPHY. The physical setup
consists of a video camera and a Rhino XR-3 robot arm with three joints
that move in the image plane of the camera. We assume no a priori
model of arm kinematics or of the imaging characteristics of the
camera/visual system, and no sophisticated built-in algorithms for
obstacle avoidance. Instead, MURPHY builds a model of his arm through
a combination of physical and ``mental'' practice, and then uses simple
heuristic search with mental images of his arm to solve visually-guided
reaching problems in the presence of obstacles whose traditional
algorithmic solutions are extremely complex. MURPHY differs from
previous approaches to robot motion-planning primarily in his use of
an explicit full-visual-field representation of the workspace. Several
other aspects of MURPHY's design are unusual, including the sigma-pi
synaptic learning rule, the teacherless training paradigm, and the
integration of sequential control within an otherwise connectionist
architecture. In concluding sections we outline a series of strong
correspondences between the representations and algorithms used by
MURPHY, and the psychology, physiology, and neural bases for the
programming and control of directed, voluntary arm movements in
humans and animals.
You can write to me: mel at, or judi
jr at Out computers go down on Feb. 13
for 2 days, so if you want one then, call (217)244-4250 instead.
-Bartlett Mel
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