Stephen J Hanson
jose at
Thu Feb 2 13:52:25 EST 1989
IEEE Conference on
Neural Information Processing Systems
- Natural and Synthetic -
Monday, November 27 -- Thursday November 30, 1989
Denver, Colorado
This is the third meeting of a high quality, relatively small,
inter-disciplinary conference which brings together
neuroscientists, engineers, computer scientists, cognitive
scientists, physicists, and mathematicians interested in all
aspects of neural processing and computation. Several days of
focussed workshops will follow at a nearby ski area. Major
categories and examples of subcategories for papers are the
1. Neuroscience: Neurobiological models of development, cellular
information processing, synaptic function, learning, and memory.
Studies and analyses of neurobiological systems and development
of neurophysiological recording tools.
2. Architecture Design: Design and evaluation of net
architectures to perform cognitive or behavioral functions and to
implement conventional algorithms. Data representation; static
networks and dynamic networks that can process or generate
pattern sequences.
3. Learning Theory Models of learning; training paradigms for
static and dynamic networks; analysis of capability,
generalization, complexity, and scaling.
4. Applications: Applications to signal processing, vision,
speech, motor control, robotics, knowledge representation,
cognitive modelling and adaptive systems.
5. Implementation and Simulation: VLSI or optical implementations
of hardware neural nets. Practical issues for simulations and
simulation tools.
Technical Program: Plenary, contributed, and poster sessions will
be held. There will be no parallel sessions. The full text of
presented papers will be published.
Submission Procedures: Original research contributions are
solicited, and will be refereed by experts in the respective
disciplines. Authors should submit four copies of a 1000-word
(or less) summary and four copies of a single-page 50-100 word
abstract clearly stating their results by May 30, 1989. Indicate
preference for oral or poster presentation and specify which of
the above five broad categories and, if appropriate, sub-
categories (for example, Learning Theory: Complexity, or
Applications: Speech) best applies to your paper. Indicate
presentation preference and category information at the bottom of
each abstract page and after each summary. Failure to do so will
delay processing of your submission. Mail submissions to Kathy
Hibbard, NIPS89 Local Committee, Engineering Center, Campus Box
425, Boulder, CO, 80309-0425.
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