update of recurrent nets bibliography

thanasis kehagias ST401843%BROWNVM.BITNET at VMA.CC.CMU.EDU
Mon Dec 11 01:07:12 EST 1989

dear list manager:

a while  ago  i passed you a connectionist bibliography of recuurent
nets  and you deposited it in your ftp directories. i am now sending you
the updated version of the bibliography and a message  to the list
members. if this is fine with you, replace the bibliography and post the
following message (adding the appropriate instructions for ftp-ing):

(i hope this is not too much work for you - if it is, let me know and i will
find other ways to distribute this .....)

--------------------text of message to list members -------------

a while  ago i had posted a preliminary version of a bibliography of
recurrent nets. here is a more definitive version of it. it is expanded
from its old form (now has somewhat over 100 items). it is not strictly
recurrent nets. a better way to describe it is:
how-to-capture-temporal-relationships-bibliography. some of the
selections are static nets, but most are dynamic. i explain some more
the distinction in a short blurb that comes with the bibliography. the
blurb is in tex format (latex-able) and the bibliography is a
bib-texable bibliographic database. so people who like this kind of
thing can produce a pretty TeX document. if you do not want to mess with
it, just ftp the files- they are usable as ascii files without any
texxing. the files are in the connectionists/cmu directory and here is
how to access them :

----------(here you should add the ftp instructions) -----------

as i say in the tex document, this is a very informal bibliographic
search. some information is missing and the bibliography is certainly
incomplete. at this point i am not inclined to work much more on it,
except if someone feels he has work that should be in it, i would
certainly put it in. at this point i have already sent two messages to
the members of the list, so i suppose if somebody has something has
already contacted me.

so here it is, enjoy.


-------------------end of message text ------------------------------------

-------------------beginning of tex document -------------------------------
\title{{\bf A Short Bibliography of Connectionist Systems \\
for Temporal Behavior}}
\author{Athanasios Kehagias \\
Division of Applied Mathematics \\
Brown University \\
Providence, RI 02912}
\date{December 12, 1989}



This is a bibliography of work in Connectionism (and related fields)
that tries to capture temporal relationships. It is not intended as
a complete bibliography. I include work I came across after
a reasonable but not exhaustive search and  the connection
to the problem of representing temporal relationships is seen
from my personal perspective. So, if you think something is
omitted, misrepresented etc., send me your suggestions.

A large part of the current work in connectionism is concerned
with the design of {\bf static} networks - meaning that
the output of the network at time $t+1$ is more or less
not influenced by the output at time $t$.
Nevertheless, such static architectures have been used to capture
temporal relationships. For example consider the work in predicting
chaotic time series:
\cite{kn:Far88a} .

Another case of implicitly {\bf dynamical} networks are Hopfield
type  networks and Boltzmann machines. In both cases
we have networks where the state of a neuron at time $t+1$ depends on
the input from other neuron states at time $t$ . However, even though
such networks do have dynamic behavior, the goal is that they settle
down at a steady state useful for storing patterns. So in
the long run we are more interested in static behavior. There is an
extensive amount of work on Hopfield networks. Hopfield's seminal
papers are: \cite{kn:Hop82a}, \cite{kn:Hop84a}, \cite{kn:Hop85a}.

Similarly there is a lot of work on Boltzmann machines; here is
a small sample: \cite{kn:Ack85a}, \cite{kn:Pet87a}, \cite{kn:Pet88a},
\cite{kn:Pet89a}, \cite{kn:Pet89b}, \cite{kn:Sus88a}.

Moving on to certain application oriented work where
temporal behavior is important, we see a mixed approach,
sometimes using static network solutions, sometimes using
dynamic network solutions.

For instance in control/robotics, following a trajectory in state-space
is an essentially dynamic problem. Certain connectionist
approaches are: \cite{kn:Bar89a}, \cite{kn:Bar89b}, \cite{kn:Jor88a},
\cite{kn:Pea89a}, \cite{kn:Eck89a}.

Similarly, in speech recognition time is of great importance. Some
have used  a static approach (e.g. the time-delay neural network,
\cite{kn:Wai89a} , or Boltzmann machines
). But there is also a lot
of work where dynamic (recurrent) neural networks are used:
\cite{kn:Bou88a}, \cite{kn:Bou89a}, \cite{kn:Elm88a},
\cite{kn:Gra89a}, \cite{kn:Koh89a}, \cite{kn:Kuh90a},
\cite{kn:Rob88a}, \cite{kn:Rob89a}, \cite{kn:Wat87a},

Another area of practical problems being attacked by recurrent
neural architectures is tasks related to formal or natural language,
\cite{kn:Fan85a}, \cite{kn:Han87a}, \cite{kn:Mik89a},
\cite{kn:Mii88a}, \cite{kn:Cle90a}, \cite{kn:Ser88a},
\cite{kn:All89a}, \cite{kn:All89b}, \cite{kn:All88a}, \cite{kn:Rie88a},
\cite{kn:Sej86a}, \cite{kn:StJ85a}, \cite{kn:Whe89a}.

Finally, the bulk of the references in this bibliography refer
to more or less theoretical treatments of the problem of dynamical
(recurrent) neural networks.

I cite first a very small sample of Grossberg's work:
\cite{kn:Gro86a}, \cite{kn:Gro86b}. This ART-type work by
Grossberg , Carpenter and collaborators is very interesting
and there is a very voluminous literature; references to
more of this type work are contained in the books listed above.

I now cite a large number of references which relate to
neural networks mostly as dynamical systems in $R^n$ (as opposed
to dynamical systems taking Boolean values) :
\cite{kn:Alm87a}, \cite{kn:Alm88a}, \cite{kn:Alm89a},
\cite{kn:Alm89b}, \cite{kn:Alm90a}, \cite{kn:Bab87a},
\cite{kn:Bar85a}, \cite{kn:Bar81a}, \cite{kn:Bel88a},
\cite{kn:Deh87a}, \cite{kn:Elm88b}, \cite{kn:Elm89b},
\cite{kn:Gal88a}, \cite{kn:Gol86a}, \cite{kn:Gol88a},
\cite{kn:Gut88a}, \cite{kn:Guy82a}, \cite{kn:Kur86a},
\cite{kn:Mar89a}, \cite{kn:Moz89a}, \cite{kn:Now88a},
\cite{kn:Ott89a}, \cite{kn:Pin87a}, \cite{kn:Pin88a},
\cite{kn:Pol87a}, \cite{kn:Pol88a}, \cite{kn:Ren90a},
\cite{kn:Ren90b}, \cite{kn:Roh87a}, \cite{kn:Roh90a},
\cite{kn:Ried88a}, \cite{kn:Sch88a}, \cite{kn:Sch89a},
\cite{kn:Sim88a}, \cite{kn:Som88a}, \cite{kn:Sto},
\cite{kn:Sun}, \cite{kn:Sut88a}, \cite{kn:Wil88a}.

Finally here are some refernces to work that considers
dynamical neural networks as dynamical systems with
a Boolean state vector (or in other words sequential machines):
\cite{kn:Ale89a}, \cite{kn:Ama71a}, \cite{kn:Ama72a},
\cite{kn:Ama83a}, \cite{kn:Cai70a}, \cite{kn:Cai75a},
\cite{kn:Cai76a}, \cite{kn:Cai86a}, \cite{kn:Cai89a},
\cite{kn:Jor86a}, \cite{kn:Mar89b}, \cite{kn:Mar87a},
\cite{kn:Mcc43a}, \cite{kn:Par89a}, \cite{kn:Sch},
\cite{kn:Raj}, \cite{kn:Tsu89a}, \cite{kn:Cot89a},
\cite{kn:All89c}, \cite{kn:All89d}, \cite{kn:Sun89a},
\cite{kn:Sun89b}, \cite{kn:Roz69a},

This is a rather fine and arbitrary classification , but work
which is often characterized as research in cellular automata
is relevant to neural netorks issues. Here are some samples:
\cite{kn:Ale73a}, \cite{kn:Kau69a}, \cite{kn:Fog82a},
\cite{kn:Fog83a}, \cite{kn:Fog85a}, \cite{kn:Slo67a}.

This is the material I was able to collect; there is a whole
lot more, sometimes refrred to in the references  of
the above works. Any suggestions for improvement are welcome.
---------------------end of tex document --------------------------
---------------------beginning of bibliographic database-----------

  author   ="S. Grossberg",
  title    ="The Adaptive brain:I Learning, reinforcement,
             motivation and rhythm",
  YEAR     ="1986",

  author   ="S. Grossberg",
  title    ="The Adaptive brain:II Vision, Speech, Language
             and Motor Control",
  YEAR     ="1986",

  AUTHOR=   "J.J.Hopfield and D.W.Tank",
  TITLE=    "Neural Computation of Decisions in Optimization Problems",
  JOURNAL=  "Biol. Cyb.",
  YEAR=     "1985",
  VOLUME=   "52"

  AUTHOR=   "J.J. Hopfield",
  TITLE=    "Neural Nets and Physical Systems with Emergent
             Collective Computational Properties",
  JOURNAL=  "Proc. Nat'l Acad. Sci. USA",
  YEAR=     "1982",
  VOLUME=   "?"

  AUTHOR=   "J.J. Hopfield",
  TITLE=    "Neurons with Graded Response have Collective
             Computational Properties like those of Two-State Neurons",
  JOURNAL=  "Proc. Nat'l Acad. Sci. USA",
  YEAR=     "1984",
  VOLUME=   "81"

  AUTHOR=   "D.H. Ackley and others",
  TITLE=    "A Learning Algorithm for Boltzmann Machines",
  JOURNAL=  "Cognitive Science",
  YEAR=     "1985",
  VOLUME=   "9"

  AUTHOR=   "C. Peterson and J.R. Anderson",
  TITLE=    "A Mean Field Theory Learning Algorithm for Neural Nets",
  JOURNAL=  "Complex Systems",
  YEAR=     "1987",
  VOLUME=   "1"

  AUTHOR=   "C. Peterson and E. Hartman",
  TITLE=    "Explorations of the Mean Field Theory Learning Algorithm",
  JOURNAL=  "Neural Networks",
  YEAR=     "1989",
  VOLUME=   "?"

  AUTHOR=   "C. Peterson and J.R. Anderson",
  TITLE=    "Neural Networks and NP-complete Optimization Problems;
             A Performance Study on the Graph Bisection Problem",
  JOURNAL=  "Complex Systems",
  YEAR=     "1988",
  VOLUME=   "2"

  AUTHOR=   "C. Peterson and B. Soderberg",
  TITLE=    "A New Method for Mapping Optimization Problems
             onto Neural Networks",
  JOURNAL=  "Int. J. of Neural Systems",
  YEAR=     "1989",
  VOLUME=   "1"

 author      ="H.J. Sussman",
 title       ="On the Convergence of Learning Algorithms
               for Boltzmann Machines",
 number      ="sycon-88-03",
 institution ="Rutgers Center for Systems and Control",
 year        ="1988"

  AUTHOR=      "A.G. Barto and R.S. Sutton",
  TITLE=       "Learning and Sequential
                Decision Making",
  INSTITUTION= "COINS Dept., Amherst Un. ",
  YEAR=        "1989",
  Number=      "TR 89-95"

  AUTHOR=     "M.I. Jordan",
  TITLE=      "Supervised Learning and Systems with Excess
               Degrees of Freedom",
  INSTITUTION= "COINS Dept., Amherst Un. ",
  YEAR=       "1988",
  number=     "TR 88-27"

  AUTHOR=      "A.G. Barto",
  TITLE=       "Connectionist Learning for Control:An Overview",
  INSTITUTION= "COINS Dept., Amherst Un. ",
  YEAR=        "1989",
  number=      "TR 89-89"

  AUTHOR=         "B.A. Pearlmutter",
  TITLE=  "Learning State Space Trajectories in Recurrent Neural Nets",
  booktitle=      "IJCNN",
  YEAR=           "1989",
  organization=   "IEEE"

  author    ="R. Eckmiller",
  title     ="Generation of Movement Trajectories in
              Primates and Robots",
  journal   ="Neural Computing Architectures, I. Aleksander ed.",
  year      ="MIT , 1989"

 title        ="Learning with
                Localized Receptor Fields",
 booktitle    ="Connectionist Models Summer School
 author       ="J. Moody and C. Darken",
 year         ="1988",
 volume       ="?",
 organization ="Carnegie Mellon University"
 author      ="A. Lapedes and R. Farber",
 title       ="Nonlinear Signal Processing using Neural Networks:
               Prediction and System Modelling",
 number      ="LA UR 87-?",
 institution ="Los Alamos National Lab",
 year        ="1987"

 author      ="J.D. Farmer and J.J. Sidorowich",
 title       ="Exploiting Chaos to Predict the Future
               and Reduce Noise",
 number      ="LA UR 88-901",
 institution ="Los Alamos National Lab",
 year        ="1988"

  author     ="S. Anderson",
  title      ="Dynamic System Categorization with Recurrent Networks",
  booktitle  ="Connectionist Models Summer School",
  year       ="1988"

  AUTHOR=      "H. Bourlard and C.J. Wellekens",
  TITLE=       "Links between Markov Models and Multilayer Perceptrons",
  organization="Phillips Research Lab",
  YEAR=        "1988",
  techreport=  "M 263"

  AUTHOR=      "H. Bourlard and C.J. Wellekens",
  TITLE=       "Speech Dynamics and Recurrent Neural Nets",
  booktitle=   "ICASSP",
  YEAR=        "1989",
  VOLUME=     "?"

  author     ="J. L. Elman and D. Zipser",
  title      ="Learning the Hidden Structure of Speech",
  journal    ="Journal of the Acoustical
               Society of America",
  year       ="1988",
  volume     ="83"

  AUTHOR=     "K.A. Grajski and others           ",
  TITLE=      "A Preliminary Note on Training Static and Recurrent
               Neural Nets for Word-level Speech Recognition",
  booktitle=  "IJCNN",
  YEAR=       "1989",
  VOLUME=     "?"

  author     ="T. Kohonen",
  editor     ="I. Aleksander",
  title      ="Speech Recognition based on Topology Preserving Maps",
  booktitle  ="Neural Computing Architectures",
  year       ="1989",
  publisher  ="MIT"

 title        ="Connected Recognition
                with a Recurrent Network",
 author       ="G. Kuhn",
 journal      ="Speech Communication",
 year         ="1990",
 volume       ="9",
 number       ="2",
 pages        ="?",
  author=     "F. Pineda",
  title =     "Generalization of Backpropagation to Recurrent and
               Higher Order Neural Networks",
  booktitle=  "Neural Information Processing Systems",
  editor=     "D. Anderson",
  year  =     "1988"

 title        ="Boltzmann Machines
                for Speech Recognition",
 author       ="R. Prager and others",
 journal      ="Computer , Speech and Language",
 year         ="1986",
 volume       ="1",
 number       ="?",
 pages        ="1-20",
author    =   "Anthony J. Robinson",
  title      ="Dynamic Error Propagation Networks",
  school     ="Cambridge University Engineering Department",
  address    ="Cambridge, England",
  year       ="1989"

  author      ="Anthony J. Robinson",
  title       ="A Dynamic Connectionist Model for Phoneme Recognition",
  organization="Cambridge University Engineering Department",
  address     ="Cambridge, England",
  year        ="1988"

key    =      "Watrous" ,
author    =   "Watrous, R.L. and Shastri, L." ,
title    =    "Learning Phonetic Features Using
               Connectionist Networks: An
               Experiment in Speech Recognition" ,
booktitle=    "Int. Conf. on Neural Networks" ,
organization= "IEEE",
month    =    "June" ,
year    =     "1987"

author    =  "R.L. Watrous and others" ,
title    =   "Learned Phonetic Discrimination
              Using Connectionist Networks" ,
booktitle=   "European Conference on Speech Technology" ,
month    =   "September" ,
address    = "Edinburgh" ,
year    =    "1987" ,
pages    =   "377-380"
key    =     "Watrous" ,
author    =  "Watrous, R." ,
title    =   "Speech Recognition Using Connectionist Networks" ,
school    =  "University of Pennsylvania" ,
month    =   "October" ,
year    =    "1988"

title    =    "Phoneme Recognition Using Time-Delay Neural Networks" ,
author    =   "A. Waibel and others
               " ,
year    =     "1989" ,
journal =     "IEEE, Trans.
               Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing",
month    =    "March"

  author     ="I. Aleksander",
  editor     ="I. Aleksander",
  title      ="The Logic of Connectionist Systems",
  booktitle  ="Neural Computing Architectures",
  year       ="1989",
  publisher  ="MIT"

 title        ="Cycle Activity in Nature:
                Causes of Stability",
 author       ="I. Aleksander and P. Atlas",
 journal      ="Int. J. of Neuroscience",
 year         ="1973",
 volume       ="6",
 number       ="?",
 pages        ="45-50",
  AUTHOR      ="Allen, R.B. and Kauffman, S.M.",
  year        ="1989",
  title       ="Developing agent models with a neural
                reinforcement technique",
  booktitle=   "Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks"

  AUTHOR      ="Allen, R.B.",
  year        ="1989",
  title       ="Sequence Generation with Connectionist
                State Machines",

  booktitle=   "IJCNN"

 title        ="Characteristics of Randomly Connected Threshold
                Elements and Network Systems",
 author       ="S.I. Amari",
 journal      ="Proc. of the IEEE",
 year         ="1971",
 volume       ="39",
 number       ="?",
 pages        ="33-47",
 title        ="Learning Patterns and Pattern Sequences by
                Self-Organizing Nets of Threshold Elements",
 author       ="S.I. Amari",
 journal      ="IEEE Trans. on Computers",
 year         ="1972",
 volume       ="21",
 number       ="?",
 pages        ="1197-1206"
 title        ="Field Theory of Self-Organizing Neural Nets",
 author       ="S.I. Amari",
 journal      ="IEEE Trans. on Systems , Man and Cybernetics",
 year         ="1983",
 volume       ="?",
 number       ="?",
 pages        ="741-748",

  author     ="E. R. Caianello",
  editor     ="I. Aleksander",
  title      ="A Theory of Neural Networks",
  booktitle  ="Neural Computing Architectures",
  year       ="1989",
  publisher  ="MIT"

 title        ="Synthesis of Boolean Nets and
                Time-Behavior of a General Mathematical Neuron",
 author       ="E. Caianello and E. Grimson",
 journal      ="Biol. Cyb.",
 year         ="1975",
 volume       ="18",
 number       ="?",
 pages        ="111-117",
 title        ="Linearization and Synthesis of Cellular Automata.
                The Additive Case",
 author       ="E. Caianello and M. Marinaro",
 journal      ="Physica Scripta",
 year         ="1986",
 volume       ="34",
 number       ="?",
 pages        ="444",
 title        ="Methods of Analysis of
                Neural Nets",
 author       ="E. Caianello and E. Grimson",
 journal      ="Biol. Cyb.",
 year         ="1976",
 volume       ="21",
 number       ="?",
 pages        ="1-6",
 title        ="Reverberations and Control of Neural Networks",
 author       ="E. Caianello",
 journal      ="Kybernetik",
 year         ="1970",
 volume       ="7",
 number       ="5",
 pages        ="191",

 title        ="Specific Roles of the Different Boolean
                Mappings in Random Networks",
 author       ="F. Fogelman-Soulie and others",
 journal      ="Bull. of Math. Biol.",
 year         ="1982",
 volume       ="44",
 number       ="5",
 pages        ="715-730",
 title        ="Frustration and Stability in
                Random Boolean Networks",
 author       ="F. Fogelman-Soulie",
 journal      ="Discrete Applied Math.",
 year         ="?",
 volume       ="?",
 number       ="?",
 pages        ="?",
 title        ="Transient Length in Sequential Iterations
                of Threshold Functions  ",
 author       ="F. Fogelman-Soulie and Others",
 journal      ="Discrete Applied Math.",
 year         ="1983",
 volume       ="6",
 number       ="?",
 pages        ="95-98",
 title        ="Metabolic Stability and Epigenesis in Randomly
                Constructed Genetic Nets",
 author       ="S.A. Kauffman",
 journal      ="J. Theoret. Biology",
 year         ="1969",
 volume       ="22",
 number       ="?",
 pages        ="437-467",
  author   ="D. Martland",
  editor   ="I. Aleksander",
  title    ="Dynamic Behavior of Boolean Networks",
  booktitle="Neural Computing Architectures",
  year     ="1989",

 title        ="Behavior of Autonomous (Synchronous)
                Boolean Networks",
 booktitle    ="1st Int. Conf. on Neural Networks
 author       ="D. Martland",
 year         ="1987",
 volume       ="II",
 organization ="IEEE"
 title        ="A Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent
                in Nervous Activity                             ",
 author       ="W.S. McCulloch and W. Pitts                     ",
 journal      ="Bull.  Math. Biophysics",
 year         ="1943",
 volume       ="5",
 pages        ="115-143",

  AUTHOR=   "I. Parberry",
  TITLE=    "Relating Boltzmann Machines to Conventional
             Models of Computation",
  JOURNAL=  "Neural Networks",
  YEAR=     "1989",
  VOLUME=   "2"

  AUTHOR=   "L.I. Rozonoer",
  TITLE=    "Random Logical Nets, I-III (in Russian)",
  JOURNAL=  "Avtomatika i Telemekhanika",
  YEAR=     "1969",
  VOLUME=   "5"

  AUTHOR      ="R. Sun",
  year        ="1989",
  title       ="A Discrete Neural Network Model for
                Conceptual Representation and Reasoning",
  booktitle=   "11th Ann. Cog. Sci. Soc. Conf."


 AUTHOR      ="R. Sun",
 TITLE       ="The Discrete Neuronal Model and the
               Probabilistic Discrete Neuronal Model",
 NUMBER      ="?",
 INSTITUTION ="Computer Sc. Dept., Brandeis Un.",
 year        ="1989"

  AUTHOR      ="R.E. Schneider",
  TITLE       ="The Neuron as a Sequential Mahine",
  JOURNAL     ="?",
  YEAR        ="?",
  VOLUME      ="?"

  AUTHOR=   "V. Rajlich",
  TITLE=    "Dynamics of certain Discrete Systems and Self
             Reproduction of Patterns",
  JOURNAL=  "?",
  YEAR=     "?",
  VOLUME=   "?"

  author      ="Tsung, Fu-Sheng and Cottrell, G.",
  title       ="A sequential adder using recurrent neural
  year        ="1989",
  booktitle   ="IJCNN",

  author      ="Cottrell, G. and Tsung, Fu-Sheng",
  title       ="Learning simple arithmetic procedures",
  booktitle   ="11th Annual Conf. of Cog. Sci.
  year        ="1989"

  author      ="Allen, R.B. and Riecken, M.E.",
  year        ="1989",
  title       ="Reference in connectionist language   users",
  booktitle   ="Connectionism in Perspective",
  editor      ="R. Pfeifer and others",
  publisher   ="Elsevier",
  pages       ="301-308"

  author      ="Riecken, M.E.",
  year        ="1988",
  title       ="Neural networks in natural language processing
                and distributed artificial intelligence",
  school      ="University of New Mexico"

  author      ="Allen, R.B.",
  year        ="1989",
  title       ="Developing agent models with a neural
                reinforcement technique",
  booktitle=   "Systems Man and Cybernetics Conference",

  author       ="Allen, R.B.",
  year         ="1988",
  title        ="Sequential connectionist networks for answering
                 simple questions about a microworld",
  booktitle    ="10th Ann. Cog. Sci. Soc. Conf.",
  pages        ="489-495"

  title      ="Connectionist Parsing",
  author     ="G.W. Cottrell",
  BOOKTITLE  ="7th Ann. Conf. of Cog. Sci. Soc. ",
  year       ="1985"

  author    ="E. {Santos Jr.}",
  title     ="A Massively Parallel Self-Tuning Context-free Parser",
  booktitle ="Adv. in Neural Information Processing Systems",
  year      ="1989",
  publisher ="Morgan Kauffman"

  title      ="A Connectionist Context-free Parser which is not Context-
               Free but then it is not really Connectionist either",
  author     ="E. Charniak and E. Santos",
  BOOKTITLE  ="9th Annual Conference of Cog. Sci. Soc. ",
  year       ="1987"

 author      ="M. Fanty",
 title       ="Context-Free Parsing in Connectionist
 number      ="TR 174",
 institution ="Un. of Rochester, Computer Sc. Dept.",
 year        ="1985"

  title      ="PARSNIP:A connectionist Network that learns Natural
               Language from Exposure to Natural Language Sentences",
  author     ="S. Hanson and J. Kegl",
  BOOKTITLE  ="9th Annual Conference of Cog. Sci.  Soc.",
  year       ="1987"

 author      ="R. Miikkulainen and M.G. Dyer",
 title       ="A Modular Neural Network Architecture for Sequential
               Paraphrasing of Script-Based Stories",
 NUMBER      ="TR UCLA-AI-89-02",
 INSTITUTION ="Un. of California at Los Angeles" ,
 year        ="1989"

 author     ="R. Miikkulainen and M.G. Dyer",
 title      ="Encoding Input/Output Representations in
              Connectionist Cognitive Systems",
 booktitle  ="Connectionist Models Summer School",
 year       ="1988"

  author      ="A. Cleeremans and others",
  year        ="1990",
  title       ="Finite state
                automata and simple recurrent networks",
  journal     ="Neural Computation",
  volume      ="1"

  AUTHOR      ="D. Servan-Schreiber and others",
  year        ="1988",
  title       ="Encoding
                sequential structure in simple recurrent networks",
  number      ="CMU-CS-88-183",
  institution ="School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon Un.",

 author      ="T.J. Sejnowski and C. Rosenberg",
 title       ="NETtalk:A Parallel Network that Learns to Read
 number      ="JHU EECS 86-01",
 institution ="John Hopkins University",
 year        ="1986"

 author      ="M. StJohn and J.L. McLelland",
 title       ="Learning and Applying Contextual Constraints in Sentence
 number      ="?",
 institution ="Dept. of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon Un.",
 year        ="1985"

author =      "D.W. Wheeler and D.S. Touretzky",
title    =    "A Connectionist Implementation of Cognitive Phonology",
year    =     "1989" ,
institution = "CS Dept., Carnegie Mellon University",
number   =    "CMU-CS-89-144"

 title        ="A Learning Rule for Asynchronous Perceptrons
                with Feedback in a Combinatorial Environment",
 author       ="L.B. Almeida",
 booktitle    ="1st Int. Conf. on Neural Networks, S. Diego ",
 organization ="IEEE",
 year         ="1987",

 title        ="Backpropagation in Nonfeedforward Networks",
 author       ="L.B. Almeida",
 booktitle    ="Neural Computing Architectures",
 editor       ="I. Aleksander",
 publisher    ="MIT Press",
 year         ="1989",

 title        ="Backpropagation in Perceptrons with Feedback",
 author       ="L.B. Almeida",
 booktitle    ="Neural Computers",
 editor       ="R. Eckmiller and C.v.d. Malsburg",
 publisher    ="Springer",
 year         ="1988",

 title        ="Recurrent Backpropagation and Hopfield Networks",
 author       ="L.B. Almeida and J.P. Neto",
 booktitle    ="Neuro Computing, Algorithms Architectures
                and Applications",
 editor       ="F. Fogelman-Soulie ",
 PUBLISHER    ="Springer",
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 year         ="1989",
 title        ="Backpropagation in Feedforward
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 author       ="L.B. Almeida",
 booktitle    ="?",
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 chapter      ="submitted to",
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 year         ="1990",
 title        ="Dynamics of Simple Electronic
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 author       ="K.L. Babcock and R.M. Westervelt",
 journal      ="Physica",
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  title      ="Pattern Recognizing Stochastic Learning Automata",
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 author       ="S. Dehaene and others",
 year         ="1987                                            ",
 volume       ="84",
 journal      ="Proc. of Nat'l Acad. Sci. USA"
  author      ="J. L. Elman",
  title       ="Representation and structure in connectionist models",
  BOOKTITLE   ="11th Ann. Conf. Cog. Sci. Soc.",
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  TITLE=      "The Brain-State-in-a-Box Neural Model is a
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 author       ="H. Gutfreund and M. Mezard",
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  title      ="Attractor Dynamics and Parallelism in a Connectionist
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 title        ="Dynamics of Analog Neural
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  TITLE      ="A Focused Back Propagation Algorithm for Temporal Pattern
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  TITLE=      "Dynamics and Architecture for Neural Computation",
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  TITLE=    "A Dynamical Approach to Temporal Pattern Processing",
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  AUTHOR=   "G.Z. Sun",
  TITLE=    "A Recurrent Network that learns Context Free Grammars",
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       ------------end of bibliographic database and of message -------

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