Connections Per Second

Ron Chrisley UNTIL 10/3/88 chrisley at
Mon Aug 28 17:51:36 EDT 1989

Thomas Edwards <tedwards at> wrote:

"I have been wondering about interconnections per second ratings.

 A 128 input units, 64 hidden units, 128 output units 3-layer backprop
 network (learning the encoder problem, say).

 Let's say I can do 50 epochs of 128 exemplars in 41.54 seconds of this
 network.  Is it valid to say:

 Number of connections per exemplar =
        (128 * 64) + (128 * 64) [forward prop] +
        (128 * 64) [back prop] = 24576

 Number of connections per epoch = 24576 * 128 = 3145728

 Number of connections per 50 epochs = 3145728 * 50 = 157286400

 Divide by run time for 50 epochs = 157286400/41.54 = 3786384.2

 Now, is it accurate to say my backprop program runs at 3.7 million
 interconnections per second?"

I don't know about the rest of your calculations, or how anyone else does
this kind of comparison, but you should probably add in your bias weights
if you have any.  That should be about 192 more weights.

Why did you not include both layers of weights for the back prop contribution
to the total?

Also, I think some people distinguish between CUPS (connection updates per
second) ratings during learning, and CUPS ratings during recall.  Make sure
you aren't comparing apples and oranges...

Ron Chrisley

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