A beautiful subset of SPAN, Radial Basis Function.

Hideki KAWAHARA kawahara at av-convex.ntt.jp
Thu Sep 22 12:41:53 EDT 1988

Things are changing very rapidly.

I visited the ATR labs. yesterday before.
I have inspiring discussion with Funahashi, Irie and
the other ATR researchers on the SPAN concepts.
Funahashi finally gave me a copy of a paper on
Radial Basis Function by Broomhead of the RSRE.
I read it in the super express SHINKANSEN from

For my surprise, the RBF concept was a beautiful and
useful subset of the SPAN. You can take benefit of
important conceptual framework in neural network
design by reading RBF paper.
It is written in English.  :-)

I'm certain now that the NIPS conference will be remembered
as a turning point from BP to the next generation algorithms,
because I'm sure the presentation by Bridle will be on the 
RBF method. I'm also trying to attend the NIPS conference.

D.S. Broomhead and D.Lowe:
"Radial Basis Functions, Multi-Variable
Functional Interpolation and Adaptive Networks,"
RSRE Memorandum No.4148,
Royal Signals & Radar Establishment,
(RSRE Malvern, WORCS.)

---- Hideki Kawahara

PS: Copy of my report is free of charge. Previous mail
is somewhat mis-leading.
PPS: The English version of our report on SPAN will be
available within a month.
PPPS: The IECE office won't deliver their technical reports to
the foreign countries. However, If you really need some of them,
I think I can provide some assistance.

e-mail: kawahara%nttlab.ntt.jp at RELAY.CS.NET
Hideki Kawahara            
NTT Basic Research Labs.
3-9-11 Midori-cho
Musashino, TOKYO 180, JAPAN

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