schedule for the upcoming NIPS conference
Dave.Touretzky at B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU
Wed Sep 7 22:49:31 EDT 1988
A copy of the preliminary schedule for the upcoming NIPS conference
(November 28-December 1, with workshops December 1-3) appears below. NIPS
is a single-track, purely scientific conference. The program committee,
chaired by Scott Kirkpatrick, was very selective: only 25% of submissions
were accepted this year. There will be 25 oral presentations and 60
posters. The proceedings will be available around the end of April '89,
but they can be ordered now from Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, P.O. Box
50490, Palo Alto, CA 94303-9953; tel. 415-578-9911. Prepublication price
is $33.95, plus $2.25 postage ($4.00 for overseas orders). California
residents must add sales tax. Specify that you want "Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems".
Denver, November 29-December 1, 1988
Tuesday AM
SESSION O1: Learning and Generalization
Invited Talk
8:30 O1.1: "Birdsong Learning", Mark Konishi, Division of
Biology, California Institute of Technology
Contributed Talks
9:10 O1.2: "Comparing Generalization by Humans and Adaptive
Networks", M. Pavel, M.A. Gluck, V. Henkle, Department of
Psychology, Stanford University
9:40 O1.3: "An Optimality Principle for Unsupervised Learn-
ing", T. Sanger, AI Lab, MIT
10:10 Break
10:30 O1.4: "Learning by Example with Hints", Y.S. Abu-
Mostafa, California Institute of Technology, Department of
Electrical Engineering
11:00 O1.5: "Associative Learning Via Inhibitory Search",
D.H. Ackley, Cognitive Science Research Group, Bell Communi-
cation Research, Morristown NJ
11:30 O1.6: "Speedy Alternatives to Back Propagation", J.
Moody, C. Darken, Computer Science Department, Yale Univer-
Tuesday PM
12:00 Poster Preview I
SESSION P1A: Learning and Generalization
P1A.1: "Efficient Parallel Learning Algorithms for Neural
Networks", A. Kramer, Prof. A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, De-
partment of EECS, U.C. Berkeley
P1A.2: "Properties of a Hybrid Neural Network-Classifier
System", Lawrence Davis, Bolt Beranek and Newman Laborato-
ries, Cambridge, MA
P1A.3: "Self Organizing Neural Networks For The Identifica-
tion Problem", M.R. Tenorio, Wei-Tsih Lee, School of Elec-
trical Engineering, Purdue University
P1A.4: "Comparison of Multilayer Networks and Data Analy-
sis", P. Gallinari, S. Thiria, F. Fogelman-Soulie,
Laboratoire d'Intelligence Artificielle, Ecole des Hautes
Etudes en Informatique, Universite' de Paris 5, 75 006
Paris, France
P1A.5: "Neural Networks and Principal Component Analysis:
Learning from Examples, without Local Minima", P. Baldi, K.
Hornik, Department of Mathematics, University of California,
San Diego
P1A.6: "Learning by Choice of Internal Representations",
Tal Grossman, Ronny Meir, Eytan Domany, Department of Elec-
tronics, Weizmann Institute of Science
P1A.7: "What size Net Gives Valid Generalization?", D.
Haussler, E.B. Baum, Department of Computer and Information
Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz
P1A.8: "Mean Field Annealing and Neural Networks", G.
Bilbro, T.K. Miller, W. Snyder, D. Van den Bout, M White, R.
Mann, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
North Carolina State University
P1A.9: "Connectionist Learning of Expert Preferences by
Comparison Training", G. Tesauro, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champign, Champaign, IL
P1A.10: "Dynamic Hypothesis Formation in Connectionist Net-
works", M.C. Mozer, Department of Psychology and Computer
Science, University of Toronto
P1A.11: "Digit Recognition Using a Multi-Architecture Feed
Forward Neural Network", W.R. Gardner, L. Pearlstein, De-
partment of Electrical Engineering, University of Delaware
P1A.12: "The Boltzmann Perceptron: A Multi-Layered Feed-
Forward Network, Equivalent to the Boltzmann Machine", Eyal
Yair, Allen Gersho, Center For Information Processing Re-
search, University of California
P1A.13: "Adaptive Neural-Net Preprocessing for Signal De-
tection in Non-Gaussian Noise", R.P. Lippmann, P.E.
Beckmann, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA
P1A.14: "Training Multilayer Perceptrons with the Extended
Kalman Algorithm", S. Singhal, L. Wu, Bell Communications
Research, Morristown, NJ
P1A.15: "GEMINI: Gradient Estimation through Matrix Inver-
sion after Noise Injection", Y. LeCun, C.C. Galland, G.E.
Hinton, Computer Science Department, University of Toronto
P1A.16: "Analysis of Recurrent Backpropagation", P.Y.
Simard, M.B. Ottaway, D.H. Ballard, Department of Computer
Science, University of Rochester
P1A.17: "Scaling and Generalization in Neural Networks: a
Case Study", Subutai Ahmad, Gerald Tesauro, Center for Com-
plex Systems Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-
P1A.18: "Does the Neuron "Learn" Like the Synapse?", R.
Tawel, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
P1A.19: "Experiments on Network Learning by Exhaustive
Search", D. B. Schwartz, J. S. Denker, S. A. Solla, AT&T
Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ
P1A.20: "Some Comparisons of Constraints for Minimal Net-
work Construction, with Backpropagation", Stephen Jose
Hanson, Lorien Y. Pratt, Bell Communications Research,
Morristown, NJ
P1A.21: "Implementing the Principle of Maximum Information
Preservation: Local Algorithms for Biological and Synthetic
Networks", Ralph Linsker, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Cen-
ter, Yorktown Heights, NY
P1A.22: "Biological Implications of a Pulse-Coded Reformu-
lation of Klopf's Differential-, Hebbian Learning Algo-
rithm", M.A. Gluck, D. Parker, E. Reifsnider, Department of
Psychology, Stanford University
SESSION P1B: Applications
P1B.1: "Comparison of Two LP Parametic Representations in a
Neural Network-based, Speech Recognizer", K.K. Paliwal, Tata
Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road,
Bombay-400005, India
P1B.2: "Nonlinear Dynamical Modeling of Speech Using Neural
Networks", N. Tishby, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill,
P1B.3: "Use of Multi-Layered Networks for Coding Speech
with Phonetic Features", Y. Bengio, R. De Mori, School of
Computer Science, McGill University
P1B.4: "Speech Production Using Neural Network with Cooper-
ative Learning Mechanism", M. Komura, A. Tanaka, Interna-
tional Institute for Advanced Study of Social Information
Science, Fujitsu Limited, Japan
P1B.5: "Temporal Representations in a Connectionist Speech
System", E.J. Smythe, Computer Science Department, Indiana
P1B.6: "TheoNet: A Connectionist Network Implementation of
a Solar Flare Forecasting Expert System (Theo)", R. Fozzard,
L. Ceci, G. Bradshaw, Department of Computer Science & Psy-
chology, University of Colorado at Boulder
P1B.7: "An Information Theoretic Approach to Rule-Based
Connectionist Expert Systems", R.M. Goodman, J.W. Miller, P.
Smyth, Department of Electrical Engineering California In-
stitute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
P1B.8: "Neural TV Image Compression Using Hopfield Type
Networks", M. Naillon, J.B. Theeten, G. Nocture,
Laboratoires d'Electronique et de Physique Appliquee (LEP1),
P1B.9: "Neural Net Receivers in Spread-Spectrum Multiple-
Access Communication Systems", B.P. Paris, G. Orsak, M.K.
Varanasi, B. Aazhang, Department of Electrical & Computer
Engineering, Rice University
P1B.10: "Performance of Synthetic Neural Network Classi-
fication of Noisy Radar Signals", I. Jouny, F.D. Garber, De-
partment of Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State
P1B.11: "The Neural Analog Diffusion-Enhancement Layer
(NADEL) and Early Visual, Processing", A.M. Waxman, M.
Seibert, Laboratory for Sensory Robotics, Boston University
P1B.12: "A Cooperative Network for color Segmentation", A.
Hurlbert, T. Poggio, Center for Biological Information Proc-
essing, Whitaker College
P1B.13: "Neural Network Star Pattern Recognition for
Spacecraft Attitude Determination, and Control", P. Alvelda,
M.A. San Martin, C.E. Bell, J.Barhen, The Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,
P1B.14: "Neural Networks that Learn to Discriminate Similar
Kanji Characters", Yoshihiro Mori, Kazuhiko Yokosawa, ATR
Auditory and Visual Perception Research Laboratories, Osaka,
P1B.15: "Further Explorations in the Learning of Visually-
Guided Reaching: Making, MURPHY Smarter", B.W. Mel, Center
for Complex Systems Research, University of Illinois
P1B.16: "Using Backpropagation to Learn the Dynamics of a
Real Robot Arm", K. Goldberg, B. Pearlmutter, Department of
Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University
SESSION O2: Applications
Invited Talk
2:20 O2.1: "Speech Recognition," John Bridle, Royal Radar
Establishment, Malvern, U.K.
Contributed Talks
3:00 O2.2: "Modularity in Neural Networks for Speech Recog-
nition," A. Waibel, Carnegie Mellon University
3:30 O2.3: "Applications of Error Back-propagation to Pho-
netic Classification," H.C. Leung, V.W. Zue, Department of
Electrical Eng. & Computer Science, MIT
4:00 O2.4: "Neural Network Recognizer for Hand-Written Zip
Code Digits: Representations,, Algorithms, and Hardware,"
J.S. Denker, H.P. Graf, L.D. Jackel, R.E. Howard, W.
Hubbard, D. Henderson, W.R. Gardner, H.S. Baird, I. Guyon,
AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ
4:30 O2.5: "ALVINN: An Autonomous Land Vehicle in a Neural
Network," D.A. Pomerleau, Computer Science Department,
Carnegie Mellon University
5:00 O2.6: "A Combined Multiple Neural Network Learning
System for the Classification of, Mortgage Insurance Appli-
cations and Prediction of Loan Performance," S. Ghosh, E.A.
Collins, C. L. Scofield, Nestor Inc., Providence, RI
8:00 Poster Session I
Wednesday AM
SESSION O3: Neurobiology
Invited Talk
8:30 O3.1: "Cricket Wind Detection," John Miller, Depart-
ment of Zoology, UC Berkeley
Contributed Talks
9:10 O3.2: "A Passive, Shared Element Analog Electronic
Cochlea," D. Feld, J. Eisenberg, E.R. Lewis, Department of
Electrical Eng. & Computer Science, University of
California, Berkeley
9:40 O3.3: "Neuronal Maps for Sensory-motor Control in the
Barn Owl," C.D. Spence, J.C. Pearson, J.J. Gelfand, R.M.
Peterson, W.E. Sullivan, David Sarnoff Research Ctr, Subsid-
iary of SRI International, Princeton, NJ
10:10 Break
10:30 O3.4: "Simulating Cat Visual Cortex: Circuitry Under-
lying Orientation Selectivity," U.J. Wehmeier, D.C. Van
Essen, C. Koch, Division of Biology, California Institute of
11:00 O3.5: Model of Ocular Dominance Column Formation: Ana-
lytical and Computational, Results," K.D. Miller, J.B.
Keller, M.P. Stryker, Department of Physiology, University
of California, San Francisco
11:30 O3.6: "Modeling a Central Pattern Generator in Soft-
ware and Hardware:, Tritonia in Sea Moss," S. Ryckebusch, C.
Mead, J. M. Bower, Computational Neural Systems Program,
Wednesday PM
12:00 Poster Preview II
SESSION P2A: Structured Networks
P2A.1: "Training a 3-Node Neural Network is NP-Complete,"
A. Blum, R.L. Rivest, MIT Lab for Computer Science
P2A.2: "A Massively Parallel Self-Tuning Context-Free
Parser," E. Santos Jr., Department of Computer Science,
Brown University,
P2A.3: "A Back-Propagation Algorithm With Optimal Use of
Hidden Units," Y. Chauvin, Thomson CSF, Inc./ Stanford Uni-
P2A.4: "Analyzing the Energy Landscapes of Distributed
Winner-Take-All Networks," D.S. Touretzky, Computer Science
Department, Carnegie Mellon University
P2A.5: "Dynamic, Non-Local Role Bindings and Inferencing in
a Localist Network For Natural Language Understanding," T.E.
Lange, M.G. Dyer, Computer Science Department, University of
California, Los Angeles
P2A.6: "Spreading Activation Over Distributed Microfea-
tures," J. Hendler, Department of Computer Science, Univer-
sity of Maryland
P2A.7: "Short-term Memory as a Metastable State: A Model of
Neural Oscillator For A Unified Submodule," A.B. Kirillov,
G.N. Borisyuk, R.M. Borisyuk, Ye.I. Kovalenko, V.I. Kryukov,
V.I. Makarenko, V.A. Chulaevsky, Research Computer Center,
USSR Academy of Sciences
P2A.8: "Statistical Prediction with Kanerva's Sparse Dis-
tributed Memory," D. Rogers, Research Institute for Advanced
Computer Science, NASA Ames Research Ctr, Moffett Field, CA
P2A.9: "Image Restoration By Mean Field Annealing," G.L.
Bilbro, W.E. Snyder, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engi-
neering, North Carolina State University
P2A.10: "Automatic Local Annealing," J. Leinbach, Depart-
ment of Psychology, Carnegie-Mellon University
P2A.11: "Neural Networks for Model Matching and Perceptual
Organization," E. Mjolsness, G. Gindi, P. Anandan, Depart-
ment of Computer Science, Yale University
P2A.12: "On the k-Winners-Take-All Feedback Network and Ap-
plications," E. Majani, R. Erlanson, Y. Abu-Mostafa, Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,
P2A.13: "An Adaptive Network that Learns Sequences of Tran-
sitions," C.L. Winter, Science Applications International
Corporation, Tucson, Arizona
P2A.14: "Convergence and Pattern-Stabilization in the
Boltzmann Machine," M. Kam, R. Cheng, Department of Elec-
trical and Computer Eng., Drexel University
SESSION P2B: Neurobiology
P2B.1: "Storage of Covariance By The Selective Long-Term
Potentiation and Depression of, Synaptic Strengths In The
Hippocampus", P.K. Stanton, J. Jester, S. Chattarji, T.J.
Sejnowski, Department of Biophysics, The Johns Hopkins Uni-
P2B.2: "A Mathematical Model of the Olfactory Bulb", Z. Li,
J.J. Hopfield, Division of Biology, California Institute of
P2B.3: "A Model of Neural Control of the Vestibulo-Ocular
Reflex", M.G. Paulin, S.Ludtke, M. Nelson, J.M. Bower, Divi-
sion of Biology, California Institute of Technology
P2B.4: "Associative Learning in Hermissenda: A Lumped Pa-
rameter Computer Model, of Neurophysiological Processes",
Daniel L. Alkon, Francis Quek, Thomas P. Vogl, Environmental
Research Institute of Michigan, Arlington, VA
P2B.5: "Reconstruction of the Electric Fields of the Weakly
Electric Fish Gnathonemus, Petersii Generated During Explor-
atory Activity", B. Rasnow, M.E. Nelson, C. Assad, J.M.
Bower, Department of Physics, California Institute of Tech-
P2B.6: "A Model for Resolution Enhancement (Hyperacuity) in
Sensory Representation" J. Miller, J. Zhang, Department of
Zoology, University of California, Berkeley
P2B.7: "Coding Schemes for Motion Computation in Mammalian
Cortex", H.T. Wang, B.P. Mathur, C. Koch, Rockwell Interna-
tional Science Ctr., Thousand Oaks, CA
P2B.8: "Theory of Self- Organization of Cortical Maps", S.
Tanaka, NEC Corporation- Fundamental Res. Lab., Kawasaki
Kanagawa, 213 JAPAN
P2B.9: "A Bifurcation Theory Approach to the Programming of
Periodic Attractors, in Network Models of Olfactory Cortex",
Bill Baird, Department of Biophysics, University of
California at Berkeley
P2B.10: "Neuronal Cartography: population coding and resol-
ution enhancement, through arrays of broadly tuned cells",
Pierre Baldi, Walter Heiligenberg, Department of Mathemat-
ics, University of California, San Diego
P2B.11: "Learning the Solution to the Aperture Problem for
Pattern Motion with a Hebb Rule", M.I. Sereno, Division of
Biology, California Institute of Technology
P2B.12: "A Model for Neural Directional Selectivity that
Exhibits Robust Direction of, Motion Computation", N.M.
Grzywacz, F.R. Amthor, Center for Biological Information
Processing, Whitaker College, Cambridge, MA
P2B.13: "A Low-Power CMOS Circuit which Emulates Temporal
Electrical Properties of, Neurons", J. Meador, C. Cole, De-
partment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Washington
State University
P2B.14: "A General Purpose Neural Network Simulator for Im-
plementing Realistic Models of Neural Circuits", M.A.
Wilson, U.S. Bhalla, J.D. Uhley, J.M. Bower, Division of Bi-
ology, California Institute of Technology,
SESSION P2C: Implementation
P2C.1: "MOS Charge Storage of Adaptive Networks," R.E.
Howard, D.B. Schwartz, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ
P2C.2: "A Self-Learning Neural Network," A. Hartstein, R.H.
Koch, IBM-Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown
Heights, NY
P2C.3: "An Analog VLSI Chip for Cubic Spline Surface In-
terpolation," J.G. Harris, Division of Computation and
Neural Systems, California Institute of Technology
P2C.4: "Analog Implementation of Shunting Neural Networks,"
B. Nabet, R.B. Darling, R.B. Pinter, Department of Elec-
trical Engineering University of Washington
P2C.5: "Stability of Analog Neural Networks with Time De-
lay," C.M. Marcus, R.M. Westervelt, Division of Applied Sci-
ences, Harvard University
P2C.6: "Analog subthreshold VLSI circuit for interpolating
sparsely sampled 2-D, surfaces using resistive networks," J.
Luo, C. Koch, C. Mead, Division of Biology California Insti-
tute of Technology
P2C.7: "A Physical Realization of the Winner-Take-All Func-
tion," J. Lazzaro, C.A. Mead, Computer Science California
Institute of Technology
P2C.8: "General Purpose Neural Analog Computer," P.
Mueller, J. Van der Spiegel, D. Blackman, J. Dao, C. Donham,
R. Furman, D.P. Hsieh, M. Loinaz, Department of Biochemistry
and Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania
P2C.9: "A Silicon Based Photoreceptor Sensitive to Small
Changes in Light Intensity," C.A. Mead, T. Delbruck,
California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA
P2C.10: "A Digital Realisation of Self-Organising Maps,"
M.J. Johnson, N.M. Allinson, K. Moon, Department of Elec-
tronics, University of York, England
P2C.11: "Training of a Limited-Interconnect, Synthetic
Neural IC," M.R. Walker, L.A. Akers, Center for solid-State
Electronics Research, Arizona State University
P2C.12: "Electronic Receptors for Tactile Sensing," A.G.
Andreou, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
The Johns Hopkins University
P2C.13: "Cooperation in an Optical Associative Memory Based
on Competition," D.M. Liniger, P.J. Martin, D.Z. Anderson,
Department of Physics & Joint Inst. for Laboratory
Astrophysics, University of Colorado, Boulder
SESSION O4: Computational Structures
Invited Talk
2:20 O4.1: "Symbol Processing in the Brain," Geoffrey
Hinton, Computer Science Department, University of Toronto
Contributed Talks
3:00 O4.2: "Towards a Fractal Basis for Artificial Intelli-
gence," Jordan Pollack, New Mexico State University, Las
Cruces, NM
3:30 O4.3: "Learning Sequential Structure In Simple Recur-
rent Networks," D. Servan-Schreiber, A. Cleeremans, J.L.
McClelland, Department of Psychology, Carnegie-Mellon Uni-
4:00 O4.4: "Short-Term Memory as a Metastable State
"Neurolocator," A Model of Attention", V.I. Kryukov, Re-
search Computer Center, USSR Academy of Sciences
4:30 O4.5: "Heterogeneous Neural Networks for Adaptive Be-
havior in Dynamic Environments," R.D. Beer, H.J. Chiel, L.S.
Sterling, Center for Automation and Intelligent Sys. Res.,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
5:00 O4.6: "A Link Between Markov Models and Multilayer
Perceptions," H. Bourlard, C.J. Wellekens, Philips Research
Laboratory, Brussels, Belgium
7:00 Conference Banquet
9:00 Plenary Speaker
"Neural Architecture and Function," Valentino Braitenberg,
Max Planck Institut fur Biologische Kybernetik, West Germany
Thursday AM
SESSION O5: Applications
Invited Talk
8:30 O5.1: "Robotics, Modularity, and Learning," Rodney
Brooks, AI Lab, MIT
Contributed Talks
9:10 O5.2: "The Local Nonlinear Inhibition Circuit," S.
Ryckebusch, J. Lazzaro, M. Mahowald, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, CA
9:40 O5.3: "An Analog Self-Organizing Neural Network Chip,"
J. Mann, S. Gilbert, Lincoln Laboratory, MIT, Lexington, MA
10:10 Break
10:30 O5.4: "Performance of a Stochastic Learning Micro-
chip," J. Alspector, B. Gupta, R.B. Allen, Bellcore,
Morristown, NJ
11:00 O5.5: "A Fast, New Synaptic Matrix For Optically Pro-
grammed Neural Networks," C.D. Kornfeld, R.C. Frye, C.C.
Wong, E.A. Rietman, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ
11:30 O5.6: "Programmable Analog Pulse-Firing Neural Net-
works," Alan F. Murray, Lionel Tarassenko, Alister Hamilton,
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
Edinburgh Scotland, UK
12:00 Poster Session II
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