Jim Hendler hendler at
Fri Jun 24 09:29:03 EDT 1988

I don't expect the people on this list to find the following of staggering
import, but in case anyone knows someone looking for such a thing:

BackProp: A tool for Learning About Connectionist Architectures
 J. Pollack, M. Evett, J.Hendler
  Technical Report SRC-TR-88-43

 This paper provides an implementation, in Common Lisp, of an epoch learning
algorithm, a simple modification of the standrad back-propagation algorithm.
The implementation is NOT intended to be a gerneral purpose, high-powered
back-propoagation learning system.  Rather, this report seeks only to provide a
simple implementation of a popular and easily understood connectionist learning
algorithm.  It is primarily intended to be a teaching tool for AI researchers wishing
to familiarize themselves or their students with back-propagation in a language with
which they are comfortable.

Copies can be requested from:
 Tammy Paolino
 tammy at (arpa)

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