Lapedes paper reference request

Thu Jul 14 13:32:00 EDT 1988

With reference to Thanasis Kehagias' request of 13 July 88 for leads
to Alan Lapedes' work:

"Nonlinear signal processing using neural networks: Prediction and
system modeling," A. Lapedes and R. Farber, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Tech.Rpt. LA-UR-87-2662, July 1987.

Related work which is said to substantially speed up learning of complex
nonlinear dynamics (and which does *not* use connectionist/neural network
ideas!) is described in:

"Exploiting chaos to predict the future and reduce noise (version 1.1),"
J.Doyne Farmer and J.J. Sidorowich, Los Alamos National Laboratory,
February 1988 (no T.R. number available on my copy).

I don't have e-mail addresses for any of the authors noted, but the LANL
address is:

Theoretical Division
Center for Nonlinear Studies
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM 87545.

I believe there has also been subsequent work by Lapedes and Farber--
perhaps others can supply references.

                                Mike Carter
                                Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.
                                University of New Hampshire

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