[AI Seminar] Online AI Seminar on Nov 10 (Zoom) -- Oriol Vinyals -- Model-free vs Model-based Reinforcement Learning -- AI seminar is sponsored by Fortive
Aayush Bansal
aayushb at cs.cmu.edu
Mon Nov 9 07:23:05 EST 2020
Reminder...this is tomorrow at noon.
On Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 9:53 AM Aayush Bansal <aayushb at cs.cmu.edu> wrote:
> Oriol Vinyals (Google DeepMind) will be giving an online seminar on
> "Model-free vs Model-based Reinforcement Learning" from 12:00 noon - 01:00
> PM ET on Nov 10.
> *Zoom Link*:
> https://cmu.zoom.us/j/95812775909?pwd=ZlBNbDdpbkNvVzFGZ0ZHbm03VVdBZz09
> CMU AI Seminar is sponsored by Fortive.
> Following are the details of the talk:
> *Title: *Model-free vs Model-based Reinforcement Learning
> *Abstract: *In this talk, we will review model-free and model-based RL,
> two paradigms that have enabled global breakthroughs in AI research. This
> research included the ability to defeat professionals at the games of Go,
> Poker, StarCraft, or DOTA, and in other fields such as Robotics. Using the
> examples of the AlphaGo and AlphaStar agents, I'll present two approaches
> from these paradigms in RL and will conclude the talk by presenting some
> exciting new research directions that may unlock the power of model-based
> RL in a wider variety of environments, including stochastic, partial
> observable, with complex observation and action spaces.
> *Bio:* Oriol Vinyals is a Principal Scientist at Google DeepMind and a
> team lead of the Deep Learning group. His work focuses on Deep Learning and
> Artificial Intelligence. Prior to joining DeepMind, Oriol was part of the
> Google Brain team. He holds a Ph.D. in EECS from the University of
> California, Berkeley, and is a recipient of the 2016 MIT TR35 innovator
> award. His research has been featured multiple times at the New York Times,
> Financial Times, WIRED, BBC, etc., and his articles have been cited over
> 90000 times. Some of his contributions such as seq2seq, knowledge
> distillation, or TensorFlow are used in Google Translate, Text-To-Speech,
> and Speech recognition, serving billions of queries every day, and he was
> the lead researcher of the AlphaStar project, creating an agent that
> defeated a top professional at the game of StarCraft, achieving Grandmaster
> level, also featured as the cover of Nature. At DeepMind he continues
> working on his areas of interest, which include artificial intelligence,
> with particular emphasis on machine learning, deep learning, and
> reinforcement learning.
> To learn more about the seminar series, please visit the website:
> http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aiseminar/
> --
> Aayush Bansal
> http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aayushb/
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