[AI Seminar] Online AI Seminar on Oct 20 (Zoom) -- Tali Dekel -- Learning to Retime People in Videos -- AI seminar is sponsored by Fortive
Aayush Bansal
aayushb at cs.cmu.edu
Mon Oct 19 12:00:57 EDT 2020
Reminder...this is tomorrow at noon.
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 10:32 AM Aayush Bansal <aayushb at cs.cmu.edu> wrote:
> Tali Dekel (Google/Weizmann Institute) will be giving an online seminar on
> "Learning to Retime People in Videos" from 12:00 noon - 01:00 PM
> ET on Oct 20.
> *Zoom Link*:
> https://cmu.zoom.us/j/98676579132?pwd=QldaWFlVLzdseS9IWE5JdkJKWDBWQT09
> CMU AI Seminar is sponsored by Fortive.
> Following are the details of the talk:
> *Title: *Learning to Retime People in Videos
> *Abstract: *By changing the speed of frames, or the speed of objects, we
> can enhance the way we perceive events or actions in videos. In this talk,
> I will present two of my recent works on retiming videos, and more
> specifically, manipulating the timings of people’s actions. 1) “SpeedNet”
> (CVPR 2020 oral): a method for adaptively speeding up videos based on their
> content, allowing us to gracefully watch videos faster while avoiding jerky
> and unnatural motions. 2) “Layered Neural Rendering for Retiming People”
> (SIGGRAPH Asia): a method for speeding up, slowing down, or entirely
> freezing certain people in videos, while automatically re-rendering
> properly all the scene elements that are related to those people, like
> shadows, reflections, and loose clothing. Both methods are based on novel
> deep neural networks that learn concepts of natural motion and scene
> decomposition just by observing ordinary videos, without requiring any
> manual labels. I’ll show adaptively sped-up videos of sports, of boring
> family events (that all of us want to watch faster), and I’ll demonstrate
> various retiming effects of people dancing, groups running, and kids
> jumping on trampolines.
> *Bio*: Tali Dekel is a Senior Research Scientist at Google, Cambridge MA,
> developing algorithms at the intersection of computer vision, computer
> graphics, and machine learning. She also just joined the Mathematics and
> Computer Science Department at the Weizmann Institute, Israel, as a faculty
> member (Assistant Professor). Before Google, she was a Postdoctoral
> Associate at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL)
> at MIT. Tali completed her Ph.D. studies at the school of electrical
> engineering, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. Her research interests include
> computational photography, image/video synthesis, geometry and 3D
> reconstruction. Her awards and honors include the National Postdoctoral
> Award for Advancing Women in Science (2014), the Rothschild Postdoctoral
> Fellowship (2015), the SAMSON - Prime Minster's Researcher Recruitment
> Prize (2019), Best Paper Honorable Mention in CVPR 2019, and Best Paper
> Award (Marr Prize) in ICCV 2019. She served as the workshop co-chair for
> CVPR 2020.
> To learn more about the seminar series, please visit the website:
> http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aiseminar/
> --
> Aayush Bansal
> http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aayushb/
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